Mexico's Oil Output Falls in November
MENAFN go to original December 28, 2009
 A statement released by Petroleos Mexicanos, Latin America's largest oil producer, said that the company has pumped 2.553 million barrels of oil a day in November, AP reported.
 A year earlier production was 2.711 million barrels a day, the Mexico City-based state oil company said in the statement.
 Production dropped 34.6 percent to 563,482 barrels a day at the Cantarell field in November compared with the same period the previous year, Mexico's Energy Ministry said in a separate release.
 Chicontepec output averaged 29,777 barrels a day. Production from the Ku-Maloob-Zaap field gained 8.6 percent to 802,002 barrels a day in November, the ministry said.