|  |  | Business News | December 2009  
New Year Brings Tax Increases in Mexico City
Magnolia Velázquez - The News go to original December 24, 2009

 |  | Income tax (ISN) will increase by 2 percent to 2.5 percent and we will see a series of increases in taxes that are totally incongruous with the discourse that has been heard from the government to date. - Mauricio Tabe |  |  |  | Next year will be a year of price increases across all Mexico City Government services, officials said Wednesday.
 Increases won't only be limited to Metro fares and water services, but will be extended to include parking meter fees and vehicle ownership tax.
 Although the fiscal and economic package is yet to be voted on in the city's Legislative Assembly (ALDF), there are increases that have already been approved by the both the Budget and Treasury Committees.
 “Practically everything will increase by 5.6 percent, vehicle ownership and property tax, as well as increases in the cost of water by 200 percent, or 300 percent for the middle class.
 “Income tax (ISN) will also increase by 2 percent to 2.5 percent and we will see a series of increases in taxes that are totally incongruous with the discourse that has been heard from the government to date,” said PAN Deputy, Mauricio Tabe.
 According to the 2010 Fiscal Code, parking meter fees will also increase by 100 percent, from 1 to 2 pesos per 15 minutes of parking.
 The cost of a driver's license Type A (private vehicles and motorcycles) will increase by 10 percent from 483 pesos to 580 pesos.
 Similarly, license plates issued will increase between 10 and 15 percent, resulting in a payment of 45 more pesos. Regarding the removal of tire locks, the increase will be 20 percent.
 As a consequence of the new Fiscal Code, the prices of many other services will go up, as is the case with Public Property Records and the issuing of licenses for houses, offices, industries and services.
 Furthermore, street vendors in “tianguis” and “mercados,” will have to pay a fee of 6 pesos for their stalls.
 Parking fines in prohibited or handicap-designated spots will increase from 653 pesos to 784 pesos.

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