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Los Amigos de la Peņita Helping Parents Improve the Condition of Their Schools
David Easby - losamigosdelapenita.com January 14, 2010
 A year ago, Maria and her classmates at J. Cruz Bautista Escuela Primaria in La Colmena had to wade through twelve inches of water during the rainy season to get to a run-down bathroom. Now, thanks to the efforts of a hard working group of parents, and with support of Los Amigos de la Peņita, they not only have a brand new bathroom, but they don't have to struggle through water to get to it.
 Raising the grade of the school yard and building a new bathroom at the school was the first project completed under the auspices of the Education Committee of Los Amigos. Since then, two additional projects have been completed: building a shelter for the play area at Miguel Hidalgo Kinder in La Colonia and repairing the washrooms at Juan Escutia Primaria in La Peņita.
 The Committee solicited proposals from all schools in La Peņita and La Colonia last Spring and the parent advisory councils prioritized the six proposals received. Work has also commenced on the construction of a new kindergarten at Patria Kinder. Projects in the planning stages are the construction of a perimeter wall at Memorias de 68 Telesecondaria and building a sidewalk and stairs at Lazaro Cardenas del Rio Primaria.
 "While we are pleased to see that we have been able to help improve the condition of our schools, the initiative has another more lasting benefit," said Zobeida Barrera Lozano, National President of Los Amigos. "The Education Committee has empowered parents by not only having them set the priorities in terms of funding but also by assisting them to initiate their own funding activities. They recently held a Gran Bazar which raised $13,000 pesos."
 "Besides undertaking fundraising, parents are providing volunteer labour and, along with local businesses, contributing supplies," added International President Ken Snyder. "With respect to Los Amigos contribution, on January 31 from 1 to 5 pm, we are hosting Fiesta 2010 - a gala fundraising event in support of Los Amigos de La Peņita. Funding from the Fiesta is critical to maintaining and expanding the as well as to carry out other activities we are involved in like our recycling program, our beach clean-up, and our scholarship program."
 The Fiesta 2010 extravaganza will include an open bar and hors d'oeuvres. Entertainment will feature live music and dancing from the Puerta Vallarta Chamber Players and the Perez Brothers. There will be a new live auction as well as a silent auction featuring a host of valuable items.

Tickets for Fiesta 2010 are available at Xaltemba Restaurant, Daniel's Backstreet, Latitude 21, Bold Development, Hidden Paradise Real Estate, Casita de La Peņita, Posada Las Flores and Beach Dog Boarding & Salon, as well as at the Tianguis every Thursday. They can also be reserved at LosAmigosDelaPenita.com.
 Los Amigos de la Peņita is a community service organization comprised of residents of the local community. Los Amigos exists to serve the people of La Peņita, the surrounding Colonias, and the community at large through it's participation in activities designed to improve the lives of area residents. For more information, visit LosAmigosDelaPenita.com.

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