|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay  
Vallarta Fishing Experience Heads Out to The Rock!
Stan Gabruk - SF Productions January 06, 2010

| Host Stan Gabruk takes us thirty eight miles out from Marina Vallarta to Corbeteña for a fabulous day of fishing. |  | Thirty eight miles out from Marina Vallarta is Corbeteña and it is considered one of the best fishing grounds in all of Mexico and worth a mention on the world stage as well. Corbeteña is a rock, in fact it's nickname is: The Rock! In my opinion it is the most flexible location we have in Puerto Vallarta for both variety and size of the available fish. Anything is catch-able at the Rock! Depending on the season the available species will change, but there is always and I do mean always fish to be caught at Corbeteña.
 For most of the year, you will find Black / Blue Marlin, Sailfish, Dorado aka Mahi Mahi, Cubera Snapper to 75 lbs, Amber Jack, Rainbow Runners, Rooster fish, Jack Crevalls, and Wahoo! In the winter the Black Marlin and monster Yellowfin Tuna will leave just after mid- January to mid June. But the Monster Yellowfin Tuna in the 200 to 300 lb range will be bugging out. That is not to say there is not Yellowfin Tuna all year long, just not in the "Monster" range.
 With the deep channels, the jutting rock and structure just to the north end of the rock, this is fish heaven and with conditions like this, if you were a fish, you'd be there too!
 On this day, Captain Luis set the course for Corbeteña as we headed out from Marina Vallarta targeting larger Yellowfin Tuna and Sailfish. I was invited along for the ride by my friends Kitty, Byron and Jim who are friends / clients of Jorge, the owner of the boat to go along and share the experience with you at home.
 We headed out after sun-up since the bite was happening a little later in the morning and the clients were late sleepers. No problem with me, we took off out of Marina Vallarta around nine in the morning. The day was warm and sunny as we headed out on High Maintenance, a thirty two foot Luhrs convertible. It´s a famous boat in Marina Vallarta and won the WBS Bill fishing Series Championship for 2000 and 2001. This was like winning the U.S. Open since you have to win a tournament in the WBS just to be able to enter this level. The boat, Captain / Crew and Angler all won a world class Grand Championship of Marlin fishing. The Title World Championship went to the entire crew and we were fishing on the same boat. So the Boat is proven lucky and productive - not a bad way to start off a day.
 Ninety minutes later we come up on Corbeteña and the Hoochies go in the water. Hoochies are small squid lures that really grab these small Bonita's attention. After boating several Chorras as they are referred to as a blanket term for bait, we sewed them up and got them in the water.
 Well it was a long day and we had some strikes, but no luck in hooking into a Sailfish or Yellowfin Tuna. There were several boats in the area and nobody had a strike for hours on end. Then off in the distance we saw one boat with a Marlin on, but then they lost it. But it was a sign of what was out there and we all were glad to know there was fish in the neighborhood!
 After trolling a while longer we thought we'd try the kite, but the wind was not up enough to run a kite, so it looked like the day was lost for Yellowfin Tuna. As we were getting a little tired of waiting we suddenly see Sailfish jumping. So we headed in the direction, got the boat in position and crossed our fingers. As luck would have it, it was just a few minutes later and you could hear the reel screaming "Fish On!" as the crew jumped into action. The Hook was set, Jim got in the fighting chair and the game was on.
 The Sailfish we hooked into this day was far from a tournament winner, but it was big enough and was actually was not an easy fish to boat. It took off alongside the boat and was pacing us for a couple of hundred yards and I was sure it was lost. But the Captain turned the boat so it would be off the cockpit, or fantail as I call it, so the fight could go on. Well about thirty minutes later with the drags set light, this nice sized Sailfish was released to fight again another day.
 We continued to troll into the afternoon, but other than smaller fish, nothing was interested in our baits so we decided to head back and have a few beers on the way. The day was a success and everyone had a wonderful time.
 It's a funny thing, until you actually get on the water and involved in something like this, you can't fully appreciate the beauty of the bay and all it has to offer. Fishing is just one aspect of our beautiful Bay of Banderas. With the Whales, Turtles, Dolphins and of course Giant Manta Rays, a day on the water will be filled with memories you will have for years to come. So get out there and find out what it's like for yourself first hand. If you need any company, give me a call, I´ll be there in a flash!
 Until next time, this is Stan Gabruk for Vallarta Fishing Experience.
  Stan Gabruk is the owner of Master Baiters Sportfishing and Tackle in Marina Vallarta. He came to Puerto Vallarta for a brief, three-week vacation and never left. You can find Stan at his Master Baiters Sportfishing shop in Marina Vallarta, located on the boardwalk down from the lighthouse next to Tikul Restaurant. for more information about fishing in Puerto Vallarta, visit MasterBaiters.com.mx or email Stan at Catchfish(at)MasterBaiters.com.mx.
 Vallarta Fishing Experience with Stan Gabruk is brought to you by SF Productions TV. For more information on how your business can benefit from SF Productions' video marketing and promotional services, contact David Tarr at (322) 209-0092, or dave(at)sfproductionstv.com.

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