|  |  | News Around the Republic of Mexico  
Zapoteco Sets Sail with 214 Tons More Aid for Haiti
Suzanne Stephens Waller - Presidencia de la República go to original January 28, 2010

| Mexico confirms its unconditional support for Haitians. |  | Acapulco, Guerrero - President Felipe Calderón Hinojosa stressed the aid Mexicans have sent Haiti, adding that this is a record figure totaling 15,000 tons, three times more than the amount sent in the wake of the floods in Tabasco.
 “Through the departure of this new boat carrying humanitarian aid to Haiti, Mexicans confirm their commitment to the victims of the January 12th earthquake. We would like to send our deepest expression of solidarity from the Mexican people to the Haitian people and their government represented here,” he said.
 In this respect, he said that the Zapoteco will set sail today with another 214 tons of aid and added that yesterday, Tarasco departed from the Port of Veracruz with over 800 tons of assistance, and that Usumacinta will also leave from the Port of Manzanillo with over 1,500 tons.
 Accompanied by his wife, Margarita Zavala, the President said that Mexico has demonstrated its unconditional support of Haitians through actions.
 In the port of Acapulco, Guerrero, he said that the catastrophe experienced by Haiti has raised everyone’s awareness, adding that Mexico is obliged to help that nation since it is the Latin American country with the greatest economic capacity and the greatest experience in disasters of this nature.
 “We have the logistic capacity and the geographical location to be able to send this aid from Mexico, which several other countries that also want to help are unable to do," he said.
 During the event, the President highlighted the work carried out by the Mexican armed forces who have performed their missions with honor, dedication and patriotism.
 He said that Haiti’s recovery will take time and stressed that Mexico will continue with its solidarity and support during the recovery and reconstruction stage that is already underway in that country.
 “Haiti continues to need all nations' support to be able to pull through. I know that as Mexicans, we will continue to use actions to demonstrate our solidarity with our sister nation," he said.
 President Calderón added that assistance will now be paid through cash donations through the Foreign Affairs Secretariat via HSBC Account No. 4044549111, the Mexican Red Cross, Banamex Account No. 0404040406 at Branch no. 683 and Fomento Social Banamex at Account No. 112 at Branch no. 100.
 He said that the work of locating and helping Mexicans in Haiti continues.
 “I share the anguish and concern of Mexican families who still do not know where their loved ones on the island are. I know that there is nothing more worrying for families than not to know where a child, sibling, spouse or parent is. The Foreign Affairs Secretariat has therefore redoubled its efforts at location and we will not rest until we find or have news of them," he explained.

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