|  |  | News Around the Republic of Mexico  
Specialists Support Re-Election in Mexico
Víctor Mayan - The News go to original January 27, 2010
 Mexico City - National and international specialists endorsed the re-establishment of re-election in Mexico but they agreed that it should entail a thorough examination of the candidates' performance.
 Otherwise, “It would be a trick to justify the activities of the government, such as the establishment of local oligarchies, which would damage the country,” said Mauricio Medino, a political scientist of Mexico's National Autonomous University (UNAM) and former advisor to the Federal Electoral Institute (IFE).
 During the second the conference of the Seminar for the Analysis of Political Reform organized by the Institute “Belisario Domínguez” of the Senate, the French politician, Jean Claude Colliard, stated that re-election of deputies, senators and municipal presidents would result in more benefits than damages to Mexico's politics.
 “Free elections should not be limited because if the population is happy with the person they chose, they should not be deprived from choosing them again. In this context, the restriction of re-elections would present more advantages than disadvantages,” he said.

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