|  |  | News Around the Republic of Mexico  
President Calderón’s 2010 New Year Address
Suzanne Stephens Waller - Presidencia de la República go to original January 07, 2010

| People raise their arms to welcome the first rays of sunshine of the new year on Playa Delfin in Cancun, Mexico January 1, 2010. (Reuters) |  | Mexicans:
 I am delighted to be able to speak to you on the occasion of the New Year.
 On behalf of my wife Margarita, my children and myself, I would like to wish you and your loved ones a very happy 2010.
 This is a very important year for Mexico. We celebrate 200 years of being proud to be Mexican. We commemorate the Bicentennial of our Independence and the Centennial of the Revolution.
 Thanks to the efforts of heroes such as Hidalgo, Morelos, Allende, Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez, Guerrero and many others, we are now a free, independent people. We are a sovereign nation, with pride in its historic heritage, capable of forging its own destiny.
 I feel confident when I think about Mexico’s future. I think it will be positive because I am encouraged by Mexicans' spirit, because I know that our unity and solidarity are greater than any challenge, because I know that each of us harbors the profound conviction that this is a country that is destined to be great, to stand out and to make history.
 In the year 2010, I am sure that Mexicans will teach the world a lesson in courage and dignity in overcoming the challenges we have experienced and taking charge of our own destiny.
 Let us not allow these pessimistic views to paralyze us or prevent us from achieving our ideals. If we want to perform heroic deeds, like the generations of men and women who have already earned a place in our history, let us overcome doubts and fears.
 United in crucial respects and in what we genuinely believe in, let us make this year, 2010, our moment in history, to continue along the route set by the fathers of the nation.
 It is time for unity and work.
 It is time to show the conviction and value of those that gave us our country and freedom 200 years ago, of those that fought for democracy and justice 100 years ago and to make Mexico a more democratic, fairer country, and one that is safer, freer, fairer, cleaner and more prosperous.
 A Mexico on a par with the ideals of those who, through their lives and work, made us the great nation we are today.
 By working together, in this year of the fatherland, we will continue building the great country Mexico is called to be.
 From the battle field or in the construction of institutions, the dedication and sacrifice of Mexicans such as Madero, Zapata, Villa, Carranza and many others and of an entire generation made Mexico a democratic nation, guided by the values of justice and freedom.
 Independence and the Revolution are the historical references on which the great country we are today and the idea of the Mexico we wish to become are based.
 Through their struggle, our heroes conquered our freedom. It is up to us, the Mexicans of today, to preserve this freedom and defend it from those that threaten it from illegality.
 2010 is the Year of Fatherland in which we celebrate being Mexican with a festive spirit and renewed enthusiasm because, as a country, we are proud of our history and culture, our traditions, art, colors, diversity, songs and flavors. We are a country whose greatest source of wealth and pride is its people.
 Mexicans will celebrate 2010 with pride in the past and hope for the future.
 In addition to being the Year of the Fatherland, 2010 will be the year of economic recovery.
 As we all know, 2009 was a very difficult year. We suffered the impact of the worst economic crisis the world has seen in several decades, the emergence of a new influenza virus, a severe drought and a sharp drop in our oil production.
 None of the difficulties or misfortunes we experienced, however, can be attributed to a lack of energy or character on the part of Mexicans.
 On the contrary. In the midst of the storm, we have demonstrated our strength. That is entirely true. Although 2009 was a difficult year, Mexicans managed to pull through.
 In the face of challenges, we have shown energy, courage, creativity and above all, the capacity to take on challenges and make decisions at times that require bravery.
 That is why it has proved necessary to make very hard decisions, decisions which, I am fully aware, involve enormous sacrifices for everyone.
 However, these sacrifices are precisely what will enable us to avoid serious financial threats to the country this year and above all, they will be reflected in the ability to meet society's demands better.
 And in particular. This effort will permit a swifter recovery of our economy.
 This year, my government will continue striving to achieve all the goals it has set to ensure the country's well-being. We will be focussing on three main priorities:
 One: Job creation.
 Two: Fighting extreme poverty.
 Three: Strengthening Mexicans' public security.
 We will focus on job creation, because this is the most important factor in enabling families to get ahead, which is why we will continue investing in infrastructure, roads, ports and airports. We will continue promoting more productive investment, more temporary employment programs and supporting the countryside and we will promote the economic reforms Mexico needs. This is all to create more jobs, which we so need.
 We will focus on combating extreme poverty, because this still affects nearly 20 million Mexicans. To this end, we will spend more on building schools and hospitals and above all, we will strengthen and expand programs such as Opportunities, in order for them to reach more Mexicans living in extreme poverty, not only in the countryside but also in the working-class neighborhoods of the country's most important cities.
 Three. Public security. Because I know that in many places in Mexico, criminals continue to harass, threaten and extort money from many Mexican families that need the determined support of the three levels of government.
 That is why we will continue to fight all the criminal groups in the country, across the board.
 I guarantee you that every peso that citizens place in Federal Government's hands will be used wisely, honestly and efficiently, with no improper use or waste of these resources.
 And I say that 2010 will be a year of economic recovery, because this was a crisis that came from abroad and there are now signs of improvement all over the world.
 The countries we sell our products too are gradually reactivating their growth, which has been reflected in an increase in our exports to these countries.
 2010 will be a year of recovery, because Mexicans have managed to maintain a healthy, well-managed economy, in a responsible fashion.
 Despite the sharp drop in our main source of income, oil, we have our public finances in order and unlike what is happening in many countries or what used to happen here in Mexico in previous crises, we are not facing a banking crisis nor do we have external debt problems.
 Our economy is ready to resume growth. In fact, we began to grow during the last part of last year, which has already been reflected in the creation of thousands of jobs in recent jobs, which I realize is still not enough, but we are on the right track.
 2010 will be the year of economic recovery, because investors’ expectations of Mexico are improving, which creates new possibilities of investment in productive projects that create the jobs the country so badly needs.
 That is why we are working to create optimal conditions so that more firms in Mexico and the rest of the world will invest in our country.
 2010 will be the year of recovery, because over the past three years, we have given infrastructure an unprecedented boost through major works that will make our economy more competitive and create jobs.
 And this year, we will achieve a record amount of investment in infrastructure, to build works that will be our generation's legacy to the Mexicans of tomorrow.
 And we will continue supporting the country’s small and medium firms, on which thousands of Mexican families depend, so that they will have credit, advice and financing and be able to progress.
 Our aim is clear: to work every day so that this recovery translates into more jobs, is reflected in your pockets and ensures greater well-being for you and your families.
 I feel confident when I think about Mexico’s future. I think it will be positive because I am encouraged by Mexicans' spirit, because I know that our unity and solidarity are greater than any challenge, because I know that each of us harbors the profound conviction that this is a country that is destined to be great, to stand out and to make history.
 In the year 2010, I am sure that Mexicans will teach the world a lesson in courage and dignity in overcoming the challenges we have experienced and taking charge of our own destiny.
 Let us not allow these pessimistic views to paralyze us or prevent us from achieving our ideals. If we want to perform heroic deeds, like the generations of men and women who have already earned a place in our history, let us overcome doubts and fears.
 United in crucial respects and in what we genuinely believe in, let us make this year, 2010, our moment in history, to continue along the route set by the fathers of the nation.
 It is time for unity and work.
 It is time to show the conviction and value of those that gave us our country and freedom 200 years ago, of those that fought for democracy and justice 100 years ago and to make Mexico a more democratic, fairer country, and one that is safer, freer, fairer, cleaner and more prosperous.
 A Mexico on a par with the ideals of those who, through their lives and work, made us the great nation we are today.
 By working together, in this year of the fatherland, we will continue building the great country Mexico is called to be.
 Once again, best wishes for 2010.
 Happy New Year and thank you for your attention.

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