|  |  | News Around the Republic of Mexico  
We Are On the Path to Economic Recovery: Calderón
Suzanne Stephens Waller - Presidencia de la República go to original January 12, 2010

| President Felipe Calderón at inauguration of the Anzaldúas International Bridge in Reynosa. (Presidencia de la República) |  | Reynosa, Tamaulipas - President Felipe Calderón declared that with a record investment in infrastructure of 630 billion pesos in 2010, Mexico is on the path to economic recovery in this Year of the Bicentennial and Centennial of the Revolution.
 “We are on the right track for making 2010 the year of recovery. We will continue taking the necessary measures to shore up growth and boost the competitiveness of the Mexican economy," he declared.
 On tour in the state of Tamaulipas, the President added that the resources assigned to this sector account for 5% of the Gross Domestic Product, even during the year of economic crisis.
 “And despite the difficult times we experienced in the international environment, investment in the country's infrastructure in 2010 will be 630 billion pesos, the highest figure ever for infrastructure in Mexico," he declared.
 He added that despite the severity of the crisis in this region, and the rest of the world, including the United States, Mexico's competitiveness has increased in relation to that of other nations.
 “In the last seven months of 2009 alone, Mexico increased its share of the U.S. import market by 10%, in other words, it grew in relation to other countries that export to the United States such as China and Canada," he explained.
 Accompanied by state governor, Eugenio Hernández Flores, as well as Secretaries of Foreign Affairs, Patricia Espinosa Cantellano; Communications and Transport, Juan Francisco Molinar Horcasitas and Finance and Public Credit, Ernesto Cordero Arroyo, the Mexican President sad that infrastructure is a crucial aspect of growth, particularly now that on both sides of the border there is a cycle of economic recovery that must be reinforced.
 “That is why I am delighted to be here to inaugurate the International Reynosa-McAllen Bridge, the Anzaldúas Bridge. And also to be doing so in the Year of the Independence Bicentennial, the Year of the Mexican Revolution Centennial," he added.
 Addressing American government officials, President Felipe Calderón stressed the importance of building bridges, since it links towns and boosts the competitiveness of economies. In particular, the Anzaldúas bridge makes it possible strengthen links and economic integration between Mexico and the United States, which have a great opportunity to complement each other.
 He hailed the cities of McAllen, Mission, Granjeno and Hidalgo County, as well as the state of Tamaulipas, for completing this project, adding that they will have to work together to continue expanding infrastructure along the border.
 “Our economies are almost designed to complement each other. One is a large economy, the largest, in the world, whereas the Mexican one was a small economy, which is no longer that small, and has become one of the largest ones. The U.S. economy is capital intensive, whereas ours is labor intensive,” he explained.
 Anzaldúas Bridge, said the President, represents an investment of nearly one billion pesos. It was built using a concession scheme and involves building an International Bridget with state of the art technology, which includes five kilometers between Reynosa, Tamaulipas, and Mission, Texas and includes 10 kilometers of entrances.
 During the first stage, he said, only light vehicles will cross whereas during the second stage, facilities will be built for haulage transport.

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