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Federal Government Working to Make Mexico Suitable for World Investment
Suzanne Stephens Waller - Presidencia de la República go to original January 15, 2010

| President Calderón stated that Mexico is a productive partner that collaborates with manufacturing firms. |  | San Juan del Río, Querétaro - During the inauguration of the Second Mitsubishi Electric Mexico Plant, President Felipe Calderón said that this investment is a clear sign of the confidence firms worldwide have in Mexico’s growth potential.
 “Let us work to make Mexico a suitable country for the world’s investment,” he said.
 He explained that Mexico has what is needed to be the best investment destination, mainly in the manufacturing area.
 “And I would like to inform Mitsubishi Electric and all the divisions in this great firm that Mexico is determined to be a productive, collaborative partner with manufacturing firms from all over the world,” he said.
 On tour in the state of Querétaro, in San Juan del Río, the Mexican president said that the course the country and Mexicans have charted will ensure economic recovery, which is why his government will make the right decisions and work responsibly to meet the country’s economic challenges.
 “We will do it as we have done to date, by working ceaselessly to find responsible, lasting solutions beyond the short-term political interests that so concern others,” he explained.
 Accompanied by state governor José Eduardo Calzada Rovirosa, and Gerardo Ruiz Mateos, Economy Secretary, and Bruno Ferrari García de Alba, Director General of PROMÉXICO, the President declared that since one of his government’s main concerns is job creation, efforts will focus on the consolidation of economic recovery and therefore generate the work required by Mexicans.
 “It obviously has not been easy, it has obviously involved everyone’s efforts and sacrifice and complex measures by government that undoubtedly entail efforts for citizens and families but enable us to stay Mexico’s course to development and prosperity.
 Because it is only with stability and financial solidity that Mexico will be able to guarantee investment for those that wish to produce and create jobs. Because it is only through the country’s responsible administration that Mexico will be able to grow and create the jobs our people need," he said.
 President Calderón told directors of the Mitsubishi firm that over 110 million pesos were invested in this new plant and that 300 direct and approximately 900 indirect jobs were created.

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