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Fiesta de Garibaldi Call to Vendors
Tina Roesler - project: brainstorm January 29, 2010
 Tucson, AZ - Food and crafts vendors of all kinds are invited to apply for a spot at the 28th Annual Fiesta de Garibaldi. As part of Tucson’s Tucson International Mariachi Conference it will take place at Reid Park on April 24, 2010, 10 am - 10 pm.
 Tens of thousands of people of all ages are expected to attend. Along with the wonderful music, the fiesta offers attendees the chance to enjoy great food and browse the wares of a variety of vendors.
 Deadline for vendor application submission for the 2010 La Frontera Tucson International Mariachi Conference Fiesta de Garibaldi is Monday, March 15, 2010. The 2010 Vendor Application Procedures form can be found at www.tucsonmariachi.org or collected from the conference office at 504 W. 29th Street. The fee is a percent of sales with a minimum of $150 for arts and crafts booths and $300 for food booths.
 Each year proceeds from the LFTIMC benefit the families and children of La Frontera Center, Inc. This caring, non-profit organization reaches out into the community to help where other social programs fall short. With the continued assistance from the LFTIMC, La Frontera Center, Inc continues to make a positive impact on the families and children of Southern Arizona.
 For more information call Lolie Gomez, Conference Coordinator at 520-838-3908 or via email at lgomez(at)lafrontera.org

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