|  |  | Vallarta Living  
Out and About in Puerto Vallarta
Twila Crawford - PVNN January 05, 2010

| Former U.S. Consular Agent Jenny McGill has died of cancer in the US. We extend our condolences to any family or friends reading this for their loss. Her spirit will remain with many of us here in Puerto Vallarta. |  | Former U.S. Consular Agent Jenny McGill has died of cancer in the U.S. Her spirit will be with many of us here. She was thoughtful, with a wonderful sense of humor. She was author of Drama and Diplomacy in Sultry Puerto Vallarta and had another book about the Talpa area nearly finished. Her husband of more than 50 years, Howard, will carry forward her love of life.
 The new mayor of Puerto Vallarta for the next three years, Salvador "Chava" Gonzalez Resendez, will have his hands full with a large municipal budget deficit and with increasing security problems here. Chava's father was mayor of Vallarta in 1981, and his grandfather was vice-mayor in 1959. As an engineer, he oversaw the construction of the bridge over the Rio Cuale. The 28-year-old new mayor took a course at Harvard and eventually plans to get a master's degree in business administration. He apparently hopes to have the very expensive convention center increasingly utilized.
 Increasing violence and security problems here must be addressed by the mayor and all business persons, tourism leaders and residents, before it gets totally out of hand.
 A shootout took place the morning of December 31 at Mandala, on the Malecón that attracts so many tourists to shops, restaurants and nightclubs, according to reports. A policeman was wounded and backups included the Mexican military that apprehended the alleged shooter, Ascension Galaviz Baez of Sinaloa. On the way to the military base north of Puerto Vallarta, reports indicate the military were ambushed by 3 vehicles and 11 persons trying to retrieve Galaviz Baez. All were arrested and luxury vehicles were seized and taken to the military base. The big, dangerous cartels are increasingly around town. Drug money is known to be increasingly financing some establishments... on the Malecón, on the south side and all around town.
 The French restaurant, La Lorraince, now is at Guadalupe Sanchez 834. It is known for its exquisite cuisine. Chef/owner is Laurent Scopano. For reservations, call (322) 222-9574.
 Guess what? The Artisan Bakery, 825 Morelos, so many of us love, is back at its usual location! With all of the excellent breads. Solo owner now, Lorene Rivera, is excited concerning her business. Tel: 044-322-183-2965 or email: breads(at)artisanbakeryintl.com.
 Musician and writer Tom Colvin is here for a couple of months. He lives most of the time now in the Philippines. This harmonica player performed in Taipea on his way to Puerto Vallarta. He performs in Southeast Asia and is especially well-known in Manila where he lives.
 Owner Tom Barrett of The Book Store has the store in Plaza Caracol for sale. Tom plans to begin living soon in Italy.
 Don Eastcott's No Name Bar and Grill now is open in Nuevo Vallarta.
 The annual gala, RISE for Hope, will be at the American School from 5:00-9:00 pm on February 6. The event includes food, entertainment by the RISE children and the Grupo Folklorico Municipal Xiutla dancers, and spectacular items for bid, including stays at hotels in other countries and in Mexico. Tickets are $450 pesos, available at Daiquiri Dick's, Food by Seth, or calling Chris Amo at (322) 221-5451 or emailing keithamo(at)msn.com.
 U.S. Consular Agent Kelly Trainor's Community Network Breakfast is at 9:00 am, January 15, at the Vallarta Yacht Club, Paradise Village, Nuevo Vallarta. Only $90 pesos, and please bring items for The Bucerías Bilingual Center. For reservations, email lailworth(at)yahoo.com.
 Ten international sculptors will participate in the Puerto Vallarta International Sculpture Symposium, January 31 - February 13. The Grand Finale Exhibition will be at the Peter Gray Museum of Art.
 Another sign of how urban Puerto Vallarta is coming, I was at a very nice condo building in Marina Vallarta, left a wrapped tres leche cake on the security desk while I went to find a guard. When we returned in a brief amount of time, the cake was gone!
 We have had about a week of celebrating the New Year all night long in our neighborhood. Hope your celebrations brought in the new year, too.
An award-winning journalist, Twila Crawford lives in Puerto Vallarta, where, in addition to contributing articles to BanderasNews, the PV Mirror and other local publications, she writes Out and About in Puerto Vallarta, an informative column that offers inside information about who, what, why, where and when it's happening around Banderas Bay.
 Click HERE to read more articles by Twila Crawford. |

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