Local Profiles  
A Self-Proclaimed Food Geek in Puerto Vallarta
a profile of Food by Seth owner, Seth Cloutman

| For personal chef and catering services, contact Seth Cloutman in Puerto Vallarta at 044-322-131-8808 or (347) 321-8005 from the US. Email: seth@foodbyseth.com Website: FoodBySeth.com | When it comes to food, Seth Cloutman is a name to reckon with in Puerto Vallarta. Not only is he a great cook, but he is also a versatile caterer and an inspiring cooking instructor who specializes in French cuisine with an emphasis on seasonal, fresh and local products to encompass the wider flavors of Mexico, Spain, Northern Italy and the Mediterranean.
 A self-proclaimed food geek, Seth is the owner of Food by Seth which provides services as a private chef, caterer and cooking class instructor. He is also the weekly food columnist for the PV Mirror, as well as the author of Everything Food with Seth and the host of the Vallarta's Culinary Corner cooking show, which can only be seen right here on BanderasNews.
 Cloutman is also the founder of Nuestra Huerta (Our Kitchen Garden), the goal of which is to create an educational garden for primary students in Remance, Puerto Vallarta to teach the importance of the growing process, environmentalism, soil development, water conservation and sustainable agriculture in tandem with science and math curriculums as well as teaching children the importance of healthy diets and how to prepare such foods.
 Seth has owned, chef'd or managed restaurants in New York City, San Francisco, Paris and Australia and lives in Puerto Vallarta with his partner and their two Chihuahuas.

| B E L O W T H E F O L D

New Para Los Niños NY Deli to Benefit the Kids of R.I.S.E.
Roberta Rand
 Thanks to the generosity of Luis and Nancy Melgoza, Chef Seth Cloutman is taking over Deli Baquette and turning it into Para Los Niños Deli, a not-for-profit establishment that will raise money for RISE and teach Vallarta children a vocational skill in food preparation and restaurant management.
Splish! Splash! R.I.S.E. Kids Descend on Casa El Tigre for Afternoon of Fun with Seth Cloutman
Roberta Rand
 With its broad terraces and spectacular view of Banderas Bay, Casa El Tigre is most notable for hosting elegant dinner parties thrown by Chefs Seth Cloutman and Cristhian Rios. But recently, the kids of Refugio Infantil Santa Esperanza enjoyed the casa's garden and pool for an afternoon.
Everything Food with Seth: March News
Seth Cloutman
 So this month it is once again all about food. We have just returned from a whirlwind tour of Paris. Armed with morel mushrooms, half a dozen kinds of salt, several specialty peppers and more ramekins than most would consider decent, we are looking forward to March and all the events we have planned.
Everything Food with Seth: Three Days in the Life of a Chef
Seth Cloutman
 Some people do not understand how an entire life can be filled with food. To so many it is just a way to nourish the body. But this chef is not like that. If it involves anything to do with food I am there. So I thought it might be fun to describe my last three days of food in Vallarta.
Everything Food with Seth: January News
Seth Cloutman
 What a month we have had here in Puerto Vallarta. The streets are full again, friends old and new arrive everyday, and we have been so busy that there was no time to write a December newsletter. Here are some of last month's highlights and some upcoming events planned for this month.
Yummy Lunch for the Kids of El Remance, Courtesy of Nuestra Huerta
Roberta Rand
 Friday the 13th turned out to be an auspicious day for the kids of Benito Juarez Primary School in El Remance as Chef Seth Cloutman and a small army of volunteers served a healthy lunch to 250 school children, as part of his Nuestra Huerta school garden project.
Everything Food with Seth: The Joys of Jan
Seth Cloutman
 It is a rare day when I meet another person whose life revolves around the search for a great combination of flavors not found before. But, a few weeks ago, when I met Jan Benton, the Chef de Cuisine of Mark's Bar and Grill in Bucerías, that is exactly what happened...
El Remance 'Edible Schoolyard' Project Needs Your Help!
Roberta Rand
 The goal of Chef Seth Cloutman's latest project, Nuestra Huerta, is to create an educational garden at a primary school in Remance, Puerto Vallarta where students will learn about gardening, environmentalism, soil development, water conservation and sustainable agriculture.
Everything Food with Seth: Paradise and the Culinary Tradeoff
Seth Cloutman
 As the new season begins here in Vallarta, news of arrival dates for many of our friends begin to flow in. With each email or phone call, I am not thinking of how glad I am that they'll be back. I am thinking about how I can convince them to smuggle food stuffs into the country.
Everything Food With Seth: The Zen of Chopping & Dicing
Seth Cloutman
 My kitchen has large windows that look out over the Bay and downtown. While working at the prep table I often look out and wonder how life got to be so incredible. Standing there mincing and dicing, peeling and chopping, is one of the most wonderful and contemplative times for me.
Everything Food with Seth: In Praise of Tongue (Lengua)
Seth Cloutman
 The history of eating tongue dates back to Paleolithic times when hunters preferred the higher fat content meats including feet and organs over the leaner cuts. Over history many cultures have devised their own way of preparing the dish. In Mexico they are most often eaten in tacos.
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