|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay  
Arts for the Sea Turtles of Banderas Bay
Linda Frakes - PVNN February 12, 2010

| Don't miss the Arts for the Turtles fundraiser on February 25th from 11 am to 3 pm at Bahía del Sol and Ocean Terrace in Nuevo Vallarta. Event proceeds will support the Nuevo Vallarta Sea Turtle Preserve. (Larry Bennett Photography) |  | Since 2004 a group of artists and their friends have put on an annual fundraiser known as Arts for the Turtles. Proceeds from the event support the work of the Nuevo Vallarta Sea Turtle Preserve, which is dedicated to saving the sea turtles of Banderas Bay.
 Hosted by Bahia del Sol and Ocean Terrace, the Preserve is the largest in the state of Nayarit. In past years, the money raised has provided salaries for the Preserve's resident marine biologists and student interns, construction of incubation corrals and information centers, and the development and dissemination of educational materials throughout Nayarit.
 In 2009, Arts for the Turtles sponsored a University of California research project on the impact of tourism on the nesting habitat of the sea turtles that nest on Nuevo Vallarta's beaches. A special booth will feature this research along with information on the Olive Ridley and Leatherback sea turtles that nest on the shores of Banderas Bay.
 This year's Arts for the Turtles will be offering original paintings, cards, jewelry, textile arts, metal art and T-shirts featuring the Turtle Preserve. An early sell-out is the table selling home made goodies from Bahia del Sol's gourmet bakers.
 The day will also include a flea market and a silent auction. A raffle of quilt art by Karen is always a part of the event, and this year an added feature is a live auction of donations from turtle lovers from Banderas Bay communities.
 Proceeds from the event support sea turtle conservation.
 In addition to the artists who contribute their time and artwork the event will be supported by the "Turtleheads," volunteers who give turtle talks and disseminate information to visitors prior to the sea turtle hatchling releases that take place at 6:30 in the evening at the Preserve.
 Bahía del Sol and Ocean Terrace are located about 1/2 mile north of the Paradise Village Resort Complex, at Paseo Cocoteros and Retorno Cozumel in Nuevo Vallarta. For more information, contact Karen Guthrie at aaburrow(at)aol.com, or (322) 297-1545.

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