|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay  
Humane Borders Presentation at CUC
Paul Crist - DemocratsAbroad.org February 19, 2010

| For more information, or to become a member of the Costa Banderas Chapter of Democrats Abroad Mexico, please contact Paul Crist at (322) 222-4793 or editor(at)mexicodemocrats.org. |  | The Costa Banderas Chapter of Democrats Abroad Mexico invites you to attend a special presentation by Rev. Robin Hoover of Humane Borders Tuscon, Arizona USA at the University of Guadalajara – Centro Universitaria de la Costa Auditorium in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico on Tuesday, March 2nd at 7:00 pm.
 All are welcome, regardless of nationality, party affiliation, or hair color. This is an issue that affects all of us! (Rev. Hoover's presentation will be simultaneously translated to Spanish.)
 Humane Borders was founded to create a humane and just border environment along the U.S.-Mexico border. Humane Borders priorities are to:
 • Reduce the number of migrants dying in the desert. Most of the deaths in border crossings come from dehydration, so Humane Borders maintains a network of water stations in the region. More than 100 stations are now serviced by thousands of volunteers, and in 2008, more than 25,000 gallons of water were delivered. Maps that locate the water sites are distributed throughout Southern Arizona and Mexico.
 • Invite public discourse on migration issues, and change U.S. policy to return migration safely through ports of entry.
 • Provide legal status to undocumented workers already in the U.S.
 • Provide legal work opportunities in the U.S. for migrants,
 • Provide economic relief for U.S. agencies engaged in helping migrants.
 On Tuesday, March 2, at 7 pm, Rev. Robin Hoover, PhD, founder of Humane Borders, will discuss the ongoing work of Humane Borders in saving lives and alleviating suffering among migrants along the U.S.-Mexico border. He will also discuss the urgent need for immigration reform in the U.S., and how to accomplish it. There will be ample opportunity for questions and answers.
 Rev. Hoover serves as Pastor of the First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Tucson., Arizona. His graduate work includes a Masters of Divinity in social ethics and a Ph.D. in political science. His research and writing has concentrated in the politics of faith-based groups working in migration.
 Hoover's border work began in 1986 in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas during the height of the sanctuary movement and the need to establish and supply shelters for persons seeking political asylum in the US. Rev. Hoover founded Humane Borders, Inc. on July 11, 2000, and continues his involvement as President Emeritus.
 This event has been organized and is sponsored by Democrats Abroad Mexico – Costa Banderas Chapter. An admission fee of $50 pesos will be charged to help us to defray the cost of presenting this important event, including the cost of travel for Rev. Hoover.
 Directions to the University of Guadalajara – CUC campus/auditorium:
 From Downtown Puerto Vallarta: North on Blvd. Francisco Medina Ascencio toward the airport. Pass the airport, the Corona building, and the Home Depot. Turn RIGHT at the entrance to Las Juntas (at the retorno, or return circle on the boulevard.) Go only one block, and turn RIGHT again on Carretera to Las Palmas. Continue on the Carretera toward Las Palmas to the first stoplight, (Oxxo on corner and a large sign for CUC.) Turn RIGHT at this stoplight. The parking lot for CUC will be on the RIGHT, about 300 meters from the Carretera. After you park, there will be signs to direct you to the Auditorium on campus.
 From Points North (Bucerias, Nuevo Vallarta, etc.) Travel SOUTH on the highway, toward the airport. After crossing into Jalisco, move to the left lane, and after passing a large PEMEX station on your right, you will take the LEFT TURN at the circle (retorno). You will be in front of Domino's Pizza and Church's Fried Chicken. Immediately get in the right lane, and Turn RIGHT at the entrance to Las Juntas. Go only one block, and turn RIGHT again on the Carretera toward Las Palmas. Continue on the Carretera toward Las Palmas to the first stoplight, (Oxxo on corner and a large sign for CUC). Turn RIGHT at this stoplight. The parking lot for CUC will be on the RIGHT, about 300 meters from the Carretera. After you park, there will be signs to direct you to the Auditorium on campus. For more information about the Costa Banderas Chapter of Democrats Abroad, click HERE. For local assistance, contact Susan Wichterman at 044-322-303-5181 or mexicoms(at)hotmail.com or Paul Crist at 322-222-4793 or editor(at)mexicodemocrats.org.

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