Heavy Rains and High Winds Tuesday Night
Twila Crawford - PVNN February 03, 2010

| This waterspout occurred in Banderas Bay at 9:14 am on January 15, 2010. (photo by Bob Umbral) |  | What a surreal night Tuesday, February 2! A probable waterspout hit my fairly open home and our neighborhood about 11:00 pm. A huge tree beside Cafe des Artistes, covered with yellow and blue flowers from vines, was uprooted, falling loudly.
 As the wind swirled and howled, and heavy rain fell, the power went off, with sparks flying from power lines. Outside my window... and to a turned-on lamp in the living room, with the shade eerily rocking back and forth. The curtains nearly tore off of the rods. The sound of the wind and rain was furious.
 I´ve been through tornados, one, lying on top of my children to protect them, and hurricanes, one making us fearful the ocean would join us in a New Jersey cottage. Tuesday night was frightening and unique.
 My home is more of a wreck than ever, with items and research papers blown all over the place. During breakfast at Co-Exist cafe near the main plaza, persons were talking about the storm, especially their issues with water. Composed Mateo at Mama Rosa Restaurant, across from Cafe des Artistes, had breakfast prepared for his diners, no matter what. A charity leader, Philippa, and I talked on the main plaza, and Philippa expressed concern for the families living in basically shacks with dirt floors, during these storms.
 We usually do not have heavy rain throughout the fall and winter as happened this high season.
 So we in the downtown neighborhood hope the electricity comes on soon, the downed trees and branches are removed, the danger with the power lines is resolved... and the sun comes out for several months now.
An award-winning journalist, Twila Crawford lives in Puerto Vallarta, where, in addition to contributing articles to BanderasNews, the PV Mirror and other local publications, she writes Out and About in Puerto Vallarta, an informative column that offers inside information about who, what, why, where and when it's happening around Banderas Bay.
 Click HERE to read more articles by Twila Crawford.