|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay  
Tsunami Warning!
Amber Lim - SV ROCKSTAR go to original

| |  | North Vancouver's Jeff & Amber Lim's post early this morning on their blog...

| Well, so much for boring!
 This morning at 5:45am we woke up to a knock (read: loud banging) on our hull.
 Jeff popped his head out of the hatch and there was a gentleman on the dock letting all the boats know that there was a Tsunami Warning and giving us as much notice as possible to get out to sea, which in a Tsunami is the safest place to be.
 As Jeff closed all the hatches and filled up the water tanks Meg and I jumped on the internet and read about the terrible 8.8 earthquake that hit Chile overnight. NOAA has issued a Tsunami Warning for the whole Pacific Coast. Our first thought was to start the engine and head out into the Bay but after a little investigating we found out a couple of things. (at this time Jeff went back to bed)
 First, a Tsunami travels at the speed of a jet plane and from Chile, the epicentre, the estimated arrival time in PV is 17.55Zulu which is just before noon PV time. We then plotted how for Rockstar could go in 5-6 hours and lo and behold it put us right on the coordinates for.... oh yeah you guessed it.....Cabo Corrientes!!! (Just where I want to be during a Tsunami!)
 Second, we tracked the progress of the Tsunami along the coast and did not hear any large tsunami reports or of damage north of Chile. At this time the warning has been dropped in Peru as they did not see anything. Easter Island issued an evacuation and the last report (6 hours after the initial quake) was of a 1.5ft wave. Hawaii however, is still planning on sounding their Tsunami sirens at 6am and will keep the warning active.
 Lastly, after talking with other boaters and listening to the morning net we found out that the warning was mainly for Mexican cities facing South, ie Manzanillo, Cabo San Lucas etc none for Puerto Vallarta.
 So far the only thing that has shaken us is the wake of an early morning panga... we held on tight and happy to report no damage to boat or occupants.
 Exciting for a couple of hours and now we are all going back to bed. |

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