|  |  | Americas & Beyond  
Republicans Gaining Ground on Obama, Democrats
Capitol Hill Blue go to original February 10, 2010

| President Obama: Bad news gets worse. |  | Like the weather that has shut down the Nation's capital for at least a week, the news for Democrats and President Barack Obama just keeps getting worse.
 A new poll shows a restless American electorate continues to lose faith in Obama and his Democratic cohorts while the Republican Party continues its return from the dead and gains ground when it comes to trust.
 A new Washington Post-ABC News Poll shows Republicans have significantly narrowed the gap with Democrats when it comes to Americans trust to deal with the country's problems.
 The poll shows a "restless and dissatisfied electorate" as the nation heads into the critical 2010 midterm elections.
 More than 70 percent disapprove of the job performance of the Democratic-controlled Congress and many say they are ready to try someone else as their elected representative.
 The same national mood existed in 1994 when Republican took over control of Congress and 2006 when Democrats moved back into the majority.
 Four months ago, Democrats held a 12-point lead (52-39) in head-to-head ballot tests. Now the American electorate is evenly split at 46 percent.
 A majority of Americans disapprove of Obama's job performance when it comes to major domestic issues -- economy, health care, jobs and the federal deficit.
 Last summer, Obama held a 20 point lead when it came to public trust. That lead has slipped dramatically as more and more Americans express doubt about their President with the biggest erosion of support coming from independents who helped put Obama into office.

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