Govt Support Extended to Nayaritans Living in US
The News go to original February 24, 2010

 |  | Our doors are open for them, to be attentive to their needs and contribute to the solution of their problems. - Jocelyn Fernandez Molina |  |  |  | Tepic - As an extension of services provided by the state government through the Undersecretary of Citizen Participation, the Office of Native Affairs is dedicated to Nayaritans living in the U.S. and their families, providing them with support when necessary.
 The Undersecretary for Citizen Participation, Jocelyn Fernandez Molina, said that at the request of Governor Ney Gonzalez Sanchez, there exists an area that is exclusively for Nayaritans that have emigrated to the U.S.; "our doors are open for them, to be attentive to their needs and contribute to the solution of their problems."
 "We are here to serve all citizens, and as our Governor Ney Gonzalez has said, we are all Nayarit, emigrants from Nayarit who live in the United States as well, for this reason we have an office where they can receive direct attention along with their family members," she said.