|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay  
Vallarta Fishing Experience: Yellowfin Tuna South of El Banco, Sailfish Moving into Area

| Yellowfin Tuna caught just South of El Banco on March 11, 2010 by Ken Sutula aboard Mi Jenny. |  | One thing people think of when they come to Puerto Vallarta is Sportfishing. Many people don't know that this area is considered one of the most productive fishing grounds in the world when it comes to Yellowfin Tuna, Black Marlin and Sailfish. We don't do badly with the Dorado, Cubera Snappers, Rooster fish either, and the list goes on!
 Sportfishing in Puerto Vallarta at this time of the year, the slow time of the year most say, is anything but slow. El Banco or The Bank in English this week has seen the return of Yellowfin Tuna. That's right amigos, Yellowfin Tuna just south of El Banco anywhere from five to fifteen miles, Yee Ha!
 More good news is that the high spots have these small fish the nationals call Plantinos or Bananas, I couldn't tell you their technical name. They look much like a Goggle eye, but are longer and have a yellow and black stripe on a silver body. This is why I call this area a Marlin McDonalds! Fast food on the way to where ever they're going! Dorado are still running in the 40 lb range at El Banco, Rainbow Runners, Cubera Snappers and the possibility of a Striped Marlin.
 Corbeteña remains ignored for the most part. But with Yellowfin just ten to fifteen miles north of the rock, something should start happening in this area soon. The action has been mainly about Cubera Snappers, Rainbow Runners, Amber Jacks, Jack Crevalls, the occasional Striped Marlin and rare Dorado. Needless to say, for these fish you can find them closer in and for less fuel dinero!
 The area from El Morro to the Marietta Islands is the place to be yet again this week. With literally every fish you can catch at Corbeteña, there is little reason to venture farther out in the bay than this. Some Sailfish and Striped Marlin have been lost in this area the last couple of weeks and this is an encouraging sign.
 Other species in the neighborhood are Jack Crevalls (up to 40 lbs), Snapper (to 35 lbs), Bonito (20 to 35 lbs), African Pompano or in Spanish "Ojo de Peras," Amber Jacks, Needle Fish and if you're lucky, a Rooster fish or two. For a relatively affordable day, bring a few friends and enjoy your day on the water.
 The bay has been producing very well this past week as well. If you have a captain that isn't afraid to stay close to the surf line, then there are options you can enjoy and save some serious green! The river mouths always have Roballo, or Snook in English. They can run 45 lbs and fight like demons. The beauty of this fish, they are close and available.
 Rooster fish have been hanging in the shallow areas and the surf line, Bonito, Jack Crevalls like crazy in the middle of the bay and a host of other smaller game fish are there for the taking. Now if this is slow fishing, then I'll take slow any day. Remember, it doesn't have to be Moby Dick to be fun!
 For the most part, we have seen the Whales head back to their summer playground in the Alaskan waters. But there are still some in the bay, those that decided to extend their vacation, and you will most likely see them on the water. Turtles, Dolphins, I mean the bay is alive with sea life. If you come to Puerto Vallarta and don't find your way on the water, you'll have missed one of the most scenic sights Vallarta has to offer. Even fishing from a rock jetty or off the docks can be an experience you'll remember for years.
 Remember, if you're coming to town, have any questions about anything under the sun, think of me as your Man in PV. I am more than happy to make recommendations or suggestions on all subjects. But remember, I have been wrong before... I've been married twice, so I am used to being wrong!
 One last thing, the bite at the moment is happening around 10:30 a.m., so getting out too early may work against you... Keep this secret to yourself!
 Until next week, don't forget to kiss your fish!
  Stan Gabruk is the owner of Master Baiters Sportfishing and Tackle in Marina Vallarta. He came to Puerto Vallarta for a brief, three-week vacation and never left. You can find Stan at his Master Baiters Sportfishing shop in Marina Vallarta, located on the boardwalk down from the lighthouse next to Tikul Restaurant. For more information about fishing in Puerto Vallarta, visit MasterBaiters.com.mx or email Stan at Catchfish(at)MasterBaiters.com.mx.
 Click Here to learn more about fishing in Puerto Vallarta with Master Baiter's.

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