|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay  
On the Water with Vallarta Fishing Experience Host Stan Gabruk
SF Productions April 10, 2010

| In this episode of Vallarta Fishing Experience, host Stan Gabruk takes us to the Second Annual Latin America Boat Show, which took place from March 11-15, 2010 at the Marina Riviera Nayarit in La Cruz de Huanacaxtle, Nayarit. |  | In this episode of Vallarta Fishing Experience, host Stan Gabruk takes us to the Second Annual Latin America Boat Show, which took place from March 11-15, 2010 at the Marina Riviera Nayarit in La Cruz de Huanacaxtle, Nayarit.
 As you all know out there, a boat is an important part of the fishing experience. We all know the fish don't care about the boat, but we do! This year I was really excited to be heading out to the Second Annual Latin America Boat show in the La Cruz Marina in Nayarit, just north of Puerto Vallarta. This year was a vast improvement over last years and from the moment you arrive you could tell this was going to be a nice little show.
 Naturally there were all sorts of agents with booths from outboard (Mercury) motors to Mariners boat insurance to interior specialist to visit and pick their brains. One of the nice things, for me anyway, was that most of the vendors spoke English very well. It can be hard sometimes to get specifics with my bad Spanish so not having a language barrier was great.
 We had a chance to check out a few of the yachts, we went on a very nicely appointed Sea Ray that was over fifty feet, you'll have to see the video. Sea Rays are great boats and they have a very flexible and inviting design. Perfect for family days on the water, especially in Puerto Vallarta. Of course there were Azumuts, Boston Whalers, Cabo Sport fishers and all sorts of day boats to look at... and dream about.
 Boston Whalers have been improving the design elements for years and I think they've got it down now. We spent some time on their 35 ft. Center console (insert name from video here) that had a full, walk in head, extending Biminis that provided extra shade in the back end of the boat, yet retracted nicely to provide more pole swing space. The front of the boat had a removable table with a wrap-around bow design that is perfect for sunning, socializing or even fishing. With the engine options available, this boat was the hit of the show for me.
 Now, you may say, "What? A thirty five foot Boston Whaler? You Nuts?" Well I guess I am, because if you truly want to compete in a fishing tournament, you first have to get there. The faster the better. Not only that, if you can go fast, it also means you can hit fishing grounds that these sixty foot floating motor homes won't be getting to quickly.
 Even if you have a fast Viking that does 35 mph, which is still half what a real tournament boat will do. Now you won't have air conditioning, but you will have a strong breeze. You'll be able to stay out longer, go farther, and give yourself an edge when it comes to fishing ground locations available to you! All these tournament guys use these beautiful, slow, sexy, and expensive boats because they are not in tournaments on a daily basis. Something to keep in mind next time you're serious about winning a tournament, consider what I just said.
 Another thing that really interested me was the Cabo Sport fishers with the new Zeus Technology pod drive. Now this is revolutionary, if to nobody else but me. What Cabo has done is introduce a new stem sort of drive, much like an inboard / outboard design, but the stem itself rotates. Now this is great for maneuverability, akin to having your wheels rotate sideways to pull into tight parking spots on the street!
 One reason this appeals to me so much is the whole idea of eliminating the need for a shaft and supports for the shaft and prop. If you have ever been around these fishing boats, a shaft is a very vulnerable part of the propulsion system. Turtles, dead heads (stumps), coconuts, manta rays, not to mention electrolysis and the eventual work hardening of the shaft. Eventually they snap and they you've got a week out of the water in fishing season!
 Now the pod design is not cheap by any stretch of the imagination and there are no after-market products as yet. But the increase in your mileage will definitely offset the extra cost. They say you can expect between 10% to 18% improved fuel efficiency over conventional systems. Mark my words, this will change your fishing experience for the better. If you like to fish overnight, the station keeping is made simple with the skyhook GPS. Now that's a beautiful thing!
 I could go on and on, but there is never enough room for what I want to say. The event was a real winner with opening Ceremonies and events all through the week. The state of Nayarit did a wonderful job supporting the event and if next year is anything like this year, hopefully even larger, your expectations or hopes will more than likely be met. I look forward to seeing this be an annual event and there is no better place to have the 3rd annual Boat show than in the La Cruz Marina once again.
 Until next time, don't forget to kiss your fish!
 You can read my weekly blogs on the "ins and outs" of life in the world of Big Game Fishing in Puerto Vallarta at MasterBaiters.Wordpress.com or see our Vallarta Fishing Experience, right Here on BanderasNews.com.
  Stan Gabruk is the owner of Master Baiters Sportfishing and Tackle in Marina Vallarta. He came to Puerto Vallarta for a brief, three-week vacation and never left. You can find Stan at his Master Baiters Sportfishing shop in Marina Vallarta, located on the boardwalk down from the lighthouse next to Tikul Restaurant. For more information about fishing in Puerto Vallarta, click HERE, visit MasterBaiters.com.mx or email Stan at Catchfish(at)MasterBaiters.com.mx.
 Vallarta Fishing Experience with Stan Gabruk is brought to you by SF Productions TV. For more information on how your business can benefit from SF Productions' video marketing and promotional services, contact David Tarr at (322) 209-0092, or Dave(at)sfproductionstv.com.

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