|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay  
May 15: Biking for Vallarta Night Ride
Roberto Angel P. Zepeda - mundoceiba.com May 09, 2010

| If you have any questions or are interested in participating or supporting Mundo Ceiba's movement in any way, please contact Roberto Lopez Fabiola Zepeda at mundoceiba(at)gmail.com. |  | The 1st Paseo Nocturno en Bici por Vallarta, (Biking for Vallarta Night Ride) is scheduled to take place on Saturday, May 15th at 7:15 pm at El Parque Lineal del Pitillal. The ride begins at 7:30 pm sharp, when we'll pedal our way down Av. Grandes Lagos, Av. Jesus Rodriguez Barba and Blvd. Medina Ascencio to la Plaza de la Hermandad in El Centro, where the Guadalajara Youth Symphony Orchestra will be performing a free classical music concert.
 The concert, entitled "Orchestral Fantasies" will begin at 8:30 and end at 9:30 pm, when we will mount our bikes for the ride back to the point of departure, following a route along Blvd. Fco Medina, Av. Fluvial and Av. Grandes Lagos to El Parque Lineal del Pitillal.
 Those who wish to ride with us but cannot join us at 7:30 pm, are encouraged to ride their bikes to la Plaza de la Hermandad in El Centro for the concert and join us as we peddle our way back to El Parque Lineal del Pitillal at 9:30 pm.
 As the success of this event depends on a community effort to ensure the safety of both cyclists and motorists, it is important to emphasize that participating bicyclists will be riding along this route after dark, so we ask that anyone driving their cars along these streets on the night of Saturday, May 15th to be watchful and to give the riders a wide berth.
 At the same time, participating cyclists should be prudent, stay together, respect all traffic signs and signals, and wear florescent markers or clothing to ensure their own, as well as the automobile drivers' safety. We also stress the importance of riding helmets and safety gear for all participating children.
 We invite you to join us and to be a part of Mundo Ceiba's movement, which seeks to promote cycling as a global form of mobility.
 Biking is without a doubt a clean mode of transportation, which could also help alleviate the traffic problems in our city. Join us for this fun-filled event that promotes exercise, ecological awareness and clean transportation in Puerto Vallarta.
 If you have any questions, suggestions, or are interested in participating or supporting the movement in any way, please contact Roberto Lopez Fabiola Zepeda at mundoceiba(at)gmail.com.

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