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PVRPV's Summer Bowling League Underway
Lina Longprι - pvrpv.com go to original May 12, 2010

| PVRPV Bowling Night takes place at Collage Club on Wednesday nights from 7:00 pm until around 9:00 pm. If you'd like to join in the fun, send an email to tim(at)pvrpv.com TODAY!(photos by Josef Kandoll) |  | Wednesday May 5th, kicked off the beginning of our 14 week Bowling League and what a fun evening it was!
 As the players in the 14 teams lined up to find out which lane they were going to be playing in and then proceed to make their payment, there was a lot of excitement and enthusiasm from everyone who stood patiently in line.
 Of the 56 players who committed to play for the 14 weeks (in addition to the substitutes), quite of few of our players have never set foot in a bowling alley, or for others, it had been so many years since they had bowled, however as the evening unraveled, I looked around and it was amazing to see that everyone seemed to be making their own fun within their teams, where as some other players took the opportunity to mix and mingle with the players from the other teams.
 This 14 week bowling event brings a lot of people together in one location, and it will be great opportunity to meet new people and make new friends.
 For a lot of us, it is a night out, an opportunity to bond with our teammates and at the same time, we are helping out our community that we live in, this great City called Puerto Vallarta, our little paradise.
 For those of us who are foreigners, we are very fortunate to be able to be part of this community and what a better way to show the community that we all care for our great city, by contributing and at the same time, having fun.
 Some Highlights from Wednesday Night:
 Arturo Calderon was the lucky winner of $1230.00 Pesos in the 50/50 draw. So with our first week we raised $1230 pesos towards our Banquet Party at the end of the tournament. We will be buying different prizes for different categories (And not the categories you might be thinking of). A special thank you to Miguel from PVRPV for volunteering to do the selling of the 50/50 tickets.
 Alma from PVRPV was in charge of attendance. Thank you everyone for coming on time. Little did she know she would be working at a bowling alley and collecting monies, giving out shoes and even charging a credit card payment using the system. (She just looked at me and said I used to work at the front desk of a hotel so I still remember how to use it.)
 Alejandro from The Sonics was the first bowler to get a Turkey, which of course is 3 strikes in a row. The Pin Yaddas came up to me and indicated that they had won the first Chicken. When I asked Charlotte what that was she indicated that they were the first team to get 3 spares in a row. Sorry Charlotte, not one of the rules in Vallarta!
 The Drink Team was the first team to show up to bowling with very fancy T-shirts. Wow, I am sure they will have an incredible bowling team picture.
 The Pacifico Lovers was the team that got the first strike after my announcement about winning a drink for each team members. Thank you Gary Green and Andales on the Bay.
 The Pins in Paradise is definitely the Team to look out for this tournament. The total score was 984 with an average score of 82 points. Do not be fooled by their first game or their great looks because I am positive they will be showing different results next week.
 Amigas were the highest scoring team. No wonder, as Gloria from their team came with her own ball, shoes and a towel to clean off her ball before she threw each shot. Well Gloria, you certainly looked good but you were not the highest scoring player, that award goes to: John Powers from your team with an average of 151.67 points.
 Luis Enrique from The Pacifico Lovers and Gary Green from Split and Swallow were tied with a 147 point average for second place.
 Steve Snyder from The Sonics was the overall winner "If we were playing Golf," for last Wednesday night with an average score of 64.33 points.
 PVRPV Bowling Night takes place at Collage Club on Wednesday nights from 7:00 pm until around 9:00 pm. The cost is approximately $120 pesos per week, which includes your games and rental shoes. We need one more full-time player and are often in need of substitute players, so if you'd like to join in the fun, send an email to tim(at)pvrpv.com TODAY!

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