|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay  
Texas Invades the Bay of Banderas!
Sean Maclean - PVNN May 01, 2010

| The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders recently cast a bright spotlight and positive outlook for Mexico tourism when they chose the Riviera Nayarit as the backdrop for their 2011 swimsuit calendar. (photos by RivieraNayarit.com) |  | Ok, it's sensational, but if the headline read, "Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders Visit Nayarit," would it get your blood moving quite as fast? (Half the readers raise their hands... we'll call this group "the fans".)
 This year marks the fourth time the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders (DCC) have come to our expansive shores to do photo shoots all around the bay for their annual swimsuit calendar. The fourth time the cheerleaders have been here in four years, pretty impressive marketing for the region which is spearheaded by the State of Nayarit, and local tourism and business associations.
 One of the most recognizable brands in the world, the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders have become a marketing and communication empire. The cheerleaders are some of the hardest working entertainers in show business, led by Director Kelli Finglass, a former Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader herself in the 1980's, and well worth a GOOGLE search if you want to read about an amazing person and her relentless commitment to her dreams.
 The cheerleader's schedule, along with their photo and filming crews, set out for almost two weeks in the Nayarit region, would put most people in the hospital. Around the bay and out to San Pancho, there have been endless professional photo shoots, autograph signings, fashion shows, community appearances, speeches, more speeches, and then there are the fans...
 One evening the cheerleaders hosted the Grand Opening of the new Marival World Residences and Spa in Nuevo Vallarta. Everyone invited enjoyed a personal tour through what may be the most unique and best spa in the region. It's truly an international experience with spa treatments available from all over the world, and each treatment is provided in a setting reflecting the place it originates from; India, Russia and Thailand, just to name a few.
 Up to the penthouse and the incredible views from the sky bar, down the glass elevators and Voila! The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders welcomed guests with the traditional tunnel of shaking pom-poms... Pom-Pom Heaven!
 Following this, and an absolute five diamond dinner, the cheerleaders put on a phenomenal beach wear fashion show for the guests, many of whom were the fans...
 Of course there were speeches. Mr. Alfonso Rizzuto, CEO of Marival Group, is always worth listening to as he has the ability to connect the Marival legacy in Nayarit, with his fathers' original dreams continuing to see fulfillment today, almost 30 years down the road.
 Mr. Rizzuto's son Pietro, just about stole the show as he held the attention and emotions of the guests while sharing his pride for his father's hard work and dedication to his family's legacy, and Pietro's own dreams to carry on and continue the family's journey in our amazing bay.
 I have heard a lot of speeches, this one was special and it made a great night even better, memorable, for me and many others.
 Did I mention the cheerleaders managed to drop in to Tepic, visited the community, and put a show on there as well? The fans somehow managed to show up there too.
 The lasting impression on our region is immeasurable. This isn't just an exercise in public relations. Riviera Nayarit is front and center in the most popular swimsuit calendar in the world, cover to cover. The Nayarit region is featured in multiple dedicated advertisements at every Dallas Cowboys home game, along with a game time dance routine inspired by the cheerleader's visits to Riviera Nayarit.
 This is America's Team. One of the highest television sports audiences in the world. The cheerleaders run their own television commercials that promote our regions' relationship with the cheerleaders, both locally in Texas and on national broadcasts across the USA. Not to mention 130,000 diehard, here it comes, the fans that fill every seat at every game.
 There is the internationally distributed television special on the making of the calendar, and the popular "Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team" television show. Along with innumerable television interviews, charity events, public appearances, and their inside connection to America's Team, whether they intended to or not, the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders have become ambassadors for Riviera Nayarit.
 Strange as it may be, and I am still trying to work this one out, but whether the cheerleaders show up outside the Coldwell Banker offices in Marina Vallarta, or on the beach in Sayulita, they have an endless army of supporters who materialize out of the background, wanting a photo taken with their favorite player... I mean cheerleader. That's how you spot the fans.
 For Kelli Finglass and the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders, the show never stops.

The author volunteered/begged for this assignment. Sean considers himself an extraordinary marketer and entrepreneur, and could not resist the opportunity to take a 'close up' look at one of the greatest marketing machines in the world. He and his wife Daniela met and live in this wonderful paradise, and Sean invites you to contact him with any comments or questions, particularly if you are looking to buy or sell a home today! Email Sean at sean(at)cblacosta.com, or visit the website at www.realestatediscoverytour.com

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