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California Governor’s Race: Democrats, Republicans and Socialists Take on Meg Whitman
Peace and Freedom Party May 12, 2010
 Candidate Alexander: Whitman is attempting to buy the governor’s office
 In the California governor’s race, the entire field of governor candidates is challenging the right of billionaire Republican Meg Whitman to buy the California governor’s office; that concern is also being shared by millions of California voters as the state approaches the June 8th Primary.
 Meg Whitman has put forth one challenge to all the candidates for California governor; I will out spend you. Meg Whitman has already more than tripled the spending of the other 22 California gubernatorial candidates combined and her campaign spending will more than likely make this the most costly political campaign in California history. Whitman has dedicated $150 million toward her run for governor and has already spent $60 million.
 Whitman has invested heavily in television and radio advertising and has launched a mailing campaign blitzing the entire state with negative ads and propaganda. Most of her ads have not been concerned about getting the facts correct; it has only been about getting herself and her propaganda in front of California voters.
 Meg Whitman has been plunging in the polls as the public discovers the truth about her background and her campaign tactics. Recent polls of like voters show Whitman has lost her 40 point lead over rival Republican Steve Poizner and with four weeks before the Primary Election, Whitman and Poizner are at a virtual tie.
 Whitman has no political experience and not until recently, Whitman chose not to vote. Whitman’s entire fortune is entwined with Wall Street and much of her fortune was made at a time when she sat on the board at Goldman Sachs. Even though Whitman has admitted “no wrong doing,” she engaged in trading stocks in such a way that the process is now illegal.
 Recently, Meg Whitman introduced a fiscal road map for California, “Meg 2010; Building a New California;” however, Peace and Freedom Party Candidate Stewart Alexander says “It’s a road map that leads directly to Wall Street.” Alexander says, not only will Whitman’s plan fail to solve the state’s fiscal crisis, “the plan will increase the state’s debt by more than $10 billion while benefiting Wall Street.”
 Last month, Goldman Sachs was hit with fraud and corruption charges by the SEC and top board members of the Wall Street financial giant had to testify before Congress. Steve Poizner has been exposing Whitman’s ties to Goldman Sachs while many Democrats, unions, labor groups and concerned citizens are demanding that Whitman share her involvement in the Goldman Sachs scandal; Whitman has remained silent.
 It is likely election laws will change in California after the 2010 election. Meg Whitman’s campaign has exposed vulnerability in the voting process that will lead to potential political reform, when a billionaire candidate can buy their way into one of the most powerful positions in America using the power of the media and the influence of Wall Street.
 For more information search the Web for: Stewart Alexander for Governor
 Articles by Stewart Alexander Whitman has close ties to Wall Street Vultures Governor Candidate Ask: Is Wall Street in the California Governor’s Race? CA Gubernatorial Candidate Meg Whitman Has a Dirty Little Goldman Sachs Secret California Governor Candidate Wants Death Penalty on Spending Chopping Block Governor Candidate Alexander: California Governor’s Seat Could Cost $200 Million California Governor Candidate Stewart Alexander Receives SPUSA Endorsement Labor leader Jack Gerson Endorse Stewart Alexander for California Governor
 Socialist Party USA Peace and Freedom Party

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