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Mexico: 382,000 Formal Jobs Created This Year
Associated Press go to original May 05, 2010

| Labor Secretary Javier Lozano Alarcon |  | Mexico City - Mexican President Felipe Calderon says 382,000 jobs have been created in Mexico's formal economy so far this year. He says job growth shows Mexico is on the path of economic recovery.
 Labor Secretary Javier Lozano Alarcon said Tuesday that unemployment has been steadily decreasing since peaking at 6.4 percent in September. The jobless rate was 4.8 percent in March and 5.4 percent in February. April's rate has not been released.
 Lozano Alarcon says most of the new jobs were in manufacturing, construction and services. Mexico was hit hard by the slump in the U.S., which buys 80 percent of its exports.
 Mexico measures jobs based on the number of workers who register for health and other services with the Social Security Institute.

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