Animal Rights Gathering at Los Arcos
Nicole Majewski - May 26, 2010

| For more information, please contact Zoraya at zoraya_name(at), Silvia at silvialvarezb(at) or Nicole at nicole(at) |  | PV Animal, Help Paws, SPCA de PV and PEACE are joining together with community members and other civil associations of the Bay to take part in a peaceful gathering in the name of animal rights. This Saturday May 29th, we are participating in an international solidarity movement in the name of the animals. People will begin to gather at 10 am at Los Arcos on the Malecón. Everyone is asked to wear all white t-shirts, to be uniformed. Also, no pets are allowed, please respect that rule.
 Other cities throughout Mexico, Spain and Latin America will be joining forces as well to show their support of animal rights. This is not just about pets and local animals, it is about many issues. Locally, we have recently been made aware of animal cruelty in its worst way through a terrible video from Tepic that showed people torturing a dog.
 A few months ago, groups of young adults also protested a large national circus that was visiting Puerto Vallarta due to their complete neglect for their animals' sanitation and safety. Not to mention our endless examples of abandoned pets, drowned kittens, dog fighting, overpopulation, etc. We have many animal rights issues at hand in the local area and this is an act of stepping up to make a statement for them - as well as the animals around the world.
 The gathering will take place at 10 am at Los Arcos Amphitheater and, once the group is ready, they will march to the Rosita Hotel at the end of the Malecón.
 PLEASE join us and if there is anyone you know who would be interested - please pass the word! For more information, please contact Zoraya at zoraya_name(at), Silvia at silvialvarezb(at) or Nicole at nicole(at)
PEACE: Protection, Education, Animals, Culture and Environment, is a nonprofit organization established in 2005, made of four main programs which focus on education, entrepreneurship, animal well-being, and community engagement in the coastal regions of Nayarit, Jalisco and Quintana Roo, Mexico. Through innovative and community based programs, PEACE is working to improve the quality of life in local communities throughout the Bahía de Banderas. For more information, please visit or click HERE to read more about PEACE |