Mexico Garbage Dump Explosion Damages 100 Homes, Government Says
CNN go to original June 16, 2010
 Mexico City - Gas accumulation triggered by intense heat caused a garbage dump explosion Tuesday in central Mexico, damaging about 100 homes but leading to no known fatalities, the state-run news agency reported.
 Some homes near the dump in Chimalhuacan, in Mexico state, suffered cracked walls and floors, the Notimex news service reported.
 The explosion also opened up a ditch that measured about 490 feet (150 meters) long, 10 feet (3 meters) deep and 3 feet (1 meter) wide, Notimex said.
 Some of the garbage in the dump caught on fire after the explosion but was extinguished, the news service said.
 About 200 state police were on guard to keep out onlookers and others who didn't belong there, Notimex said.