|  |  | News Around the Republic of Mexico  
President Announces Bill for New Police Force Model
Suzanne Stephens Waller - Presidencia de la República go to original June 04, 2010

| President Felipe Calderón explains that aim is for citizens to be protected, regardless of who is in power. (Presidencia de la República) |  | Mexico City - During the 28th National Public Security Council meeting, President Felipe Calderón announced that at the new ordinary period of Congress sessions, he will submit a bill for constitutional reform that will promote a new police force model.
 This will be based, he explained, on 32 state police forces with a single, reliable command in each, which will make it possible to advance with much greater clarity and unity of command in the coordination of the various orders of government.
 “Our main objective is to ensure that, regardless of who is governing or what party he belongs to, Mexicans will be protected by an honest, professional police force, an effective, transparent system of justice and a legal framework that increases the authorities’ power in the face of criminals and makes it possible to effectively punish criminals,” he declared.
 In Campo Militar Marte, accompanied by the Security Cabinet as well as most of the country’s governors, the President stressed that the best response to crime are institutional solutions that outlast governments, since countries that have successfully overcome the problem of the lack of law and order have done so in an integral, national, long-term fashion.
 “We must continue working to ensure that institutional changes translate into Mexicans’ security and tranquility.
 That is why it is essential for local authorities to redouble efforts to ensure the professionalization and reliability of their security corps, so that they strengthen their institutions for the procurement and administration of justice,” he explained.
 President Calderón confirmed Federal Public Administrations’ willingness to support the efforts being made by this Council, “Because we want a safe Mexico, in which there is no place for the fear, violence and impunity we are suffering today.”
 “I am sure that in the discussion we will have here on the new police force model, the resources and contributions of the Contribution Fund for Public Security and the creation of a National Academy of Penitentiary Administration and others, Mexicans’ interest will prevail over all others.
 The Mexico of freedoms, order and peace we wish to pass down to future generations demands the unlimited commitment of all those that have the privilege of serving our country in a public position,” he declared.
 During the closing ceremony of the 28th version of the Council, attendees approved President Calderón’s proposal to create a special commission that will follow up the agreement to create a new police force model in Mexico.

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