Mexico Had 85 Organized-Crime Deaths Friday, Universal Says
Thomas Black - Bloomberg go to original June 12, 2010
 Mexico had 85 deaths related to organized crime yesterday, the highest toll since President Felipe Calderon took office in December 2006, the Mexico City newspaper El Universal reported.
 The last bloodiest day was on Nov. 3, 2008, with a death toll of 58 people, El Universal reported, using its own tally. The border state of Chihuahua was the most violent yesterday with 38 killings, including the execution-style shootings of 19 people in a drug rehabilitation center in the state capital of the same name.
 Tamaulipas, a Gulf of Mexico state that borders Texas, was the second-most violent yesterday. Authorities found 20 people who had been shot to death in different areas of Ciudad Madero, a small city in Tamaulipas, the newspaper said.
 Calderon, who was in South Africa to attend the opening game of the World Cup soccer match between Mexico and South Africa, condemned the violence in a statement, the newspaper reported.
 To contact the reporter on this story: Thomas Black in Monterrey at tblack(at)