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Mexico a Logistic Axis for Investment and International Trade: FCH
Suzanne Stephens Waller - Presidencia de la República go to original June 02, 2010

| President Felipe Calderón declares that Federal Government will not leave Mexican families in the hands of criminals. (Presidencia de la República) |  | Tampico, Tamaulipas - During the Navy Day celebrations, President Felipe Calderón declared that Mexico is working to turn the country into a multi-directional hub and a key logistic axis for trade and international investment in today's globalized world.
 “This will only be possible if we manage to exploit our logistic advantage, by developing the infrastructure we need and of course the powerful merchant navy we require. The sea now enables us to be connected to the world," he said.
 In Tampico, Tamaulipas, accompanied by state governor Eugenio Hernández, the President said that his administration has assumed the challenge to make the sea a key instrument in the country’s economic growth and development.
 “We are promoting the country’s infrastructure to fully exploit our logistic potential. We are meeting our commitments and despite the international economic crisis, we have continued to invest in reinforcing the country's maritime and port infrastructure.
 This year alone we plan to invest another seven billion pesos in the improvement and expansion of ports such as Tampico, Altamira, Tuxpan, Veracruz, Progreso, Mazatlán, Manzanillo y Lázaro Cárdenas,” he added.
 The President highlighted the work of the Armed Forces, particularly the Mexican navy, in government's struggle to restore safety in the country.
 He said that his government has not hesitated a minute to act firmly to support the Mexican families that require the organized, determined and disciplined action of the Federal Forces.
 "We know that they need us and we know that people are demanding, regardless of what critics may say, the continuation of this fight against organized crime, because it should be quite clear that Federal Government will never abandon Mexican families to their fate or leave them in the hands of criminals," he said.
 That is why, he said, they will not give up any territory to criminal gangs, “Or give up in our fight against the country's enemies.” We will continue using all available resources to restore the rule of law and state control on every front in the country.
 However, he stressed the fact that the presence of federal forces in the states threatened by criminal action is a temporary measure. The aim is to give local authorities time and the opportunity to reconstruct their own security institutions.
 “Federal government is not attempting to, nor should it, permanently replace the wok every community must do to protect its streets and population," he remarked.
 Later on, in the municipality of Ciudad Madero, he launched the Independencia ship. There, he watched the marines swearing in to the Navy and handed the commander the national flag.
 He also laid a wreath during the Ceremony to Evoke the Marines. Lastly, he signed the book of distinguished visitors.

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