|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay  
Deja New Clothing Party in Marina Vallarta Aug 28
Estelle Eisen - PVNN August 19, 2010

| For more information, please contact Kathleen at dejanewconsign(at)hotmail.com or Wendy at wendyeallen(at)rogers.com. |  | Tell your Friends! Tell your Neighbors! On Saturday, August 28th from 1-4 pm, Kathleen will be holding another Deja New Clothing Party at Paseo de la Marina #360 Apartment PH-H (Wendy's place, the main road into the Marina, just before the Marina Golf Club House.)
 Come shop, and/or consign your unwanted shoes, accessories, jewelry & clothing!
 To consign, here's all you need to do:
 • Go through your closets and get out all of those unused, unwanted, outgrown clothes you no longer wear.
 • Please make sure all clothing is clean, free of stains, tears, odors or flaws.
 • Bringing items on hangers is a big help also, but not required.
 • Put a price sticker or tag on them with your initials and price on them.
 • Bring with an inventory sheet of your items.
 Please get your clothing to Wendy’s or Kathleen’s no later then Thursday, August 26th. If you don't want to price your items or don't have the time, Kathleen will be happy to price all of your items for you. Unpriced items MUST be to Kathleen by Wednesday, August 25th.
 We'll do all of the rest of the work for you! We'll merchandise it, collect the money for it and pay you for it, less a 20% house fee. Wendy is donating the house fee to The Bucerias Children's Christmas Program.
 On August 28th, come on over to shop. There will be NEW and consigned clothes. There will also be a LOT of men’s clothing at this party. It is not necessary to consign clothing to come on over and shop... It'll be like Christmas in August!
 Anything that doesn't sell will be moved to Deja New!, Puerto Vallarta's newest Clothing and Consignment shop to be opened by Kathleen this fall. Kathleen comes from a recycled clothing retail management background where she operated a store with over $2 million dollars in annual sales. Every Tuesday-Saturday from 11 am-6pm beginning September 2, she will be accepting clothing consignments at Jacarandas #280 on the south side of Vallarta. This is to be the location of Deja New!
 For more info about selling and or shopping at the August 28th clothing party, please contact Kathleen at dejanewconsign(at)hotmail.com or Wendy at wendyeallen(at)rogers.com.

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