|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay  
Road Report – Happy Trails to Your Place in the Sun
Bill and Dorothy Bell - jaltembasol.com August 24, 2010

| This summer Bill and Dorothy have driven thousands of miles updating the Mexico Road Logs and Mexico RV and Driving website ontheroadin.com. |  | Carole Thacker of the La Penita Trailer Park in Nayarit requested that we give a concise road report regarding safety and driving to the Puerto Vallarta area. We are writing a major article that will be published shortly, however many of you need advice now. If you wish to be put on our mailing list for this article, please write editor(at)jaltembasol.com and ask us to ensure that it is mailed to you.
 This summer we have driven thousands of miles updating our Mexico Road Logs and Mexico RV and driving website ontheroadin.com. We have touched on all but three of Mexico’s 31 states this summer alone, and while there are many new changes that we have seen on the road, we have not personally witnessed or experienced anything different regarding safety than we have seen in previous years.
 We understand many of your concerns about driving and vacationing in Mexico. The US and Canadian government has issued travel warnings and the media has certainly had a hey day reporting many of the grisly details of the current drug cartel situation. There has been acceleration in murders in Mexico in the last two years, but by all accounts the rise has been attributed to drug turf wars and the government’s crackdown on these criminals. We do not believe that there has been any increase in murders or violence toward tourists.
 The border cities have always been problematic and crime ridden. Other areas become "hotspots" for a few years and the violence then passes and changes to another community. Things have not changed in this regard over the 20+ years we have been road travelers through Mexico.
 We travelled the length of the West coast from Nogales to Guatemala, the length and breadth of the Baja, as well as the diagonal route from Laredo to Guadalajara. We have also scooted around Mexico City and routed along the gulf coast around the Yucatan and through the highlands of Chiapas. We went to campgrounds in small towns and large cities and spoke to the locals about violence and the "situation."
 At the time of this report, the border traffic is very light, roads are clear and even the severe flooding in and around Monterrey (bridge and road repairs are well underway) should not deter your travel to your second home in la Peñita.
 Having completed this experience our base, 20 year old advice still stands:
 1) Drive early and stop early
 2) Never drive at night
 3) Get far away from the borders as soon as you can
 4) Don’t boon dock
 5) Travel with others if possible
 We have always taught that you shouldn’t let your guard down as Mexico is a 3rd world and developing country. In reality we understand how easy it is to become relaxed and easy going in this charming and enchanting country. We think it is time to reevaluate lax behaviors, pay close attention to travel precautions and stay on the straight and narrow.
 WE WOULD NOT LET THE CURRENT DRUG WAR VIOLENCE DETER US FROM TRAVEL AT THIS TIME. If you wish to travel with a friend or other RV, stay tuned. We are currently creating a Mexico Road Report Board where you and others can hook up before crossing the border. Click HERE to go to the Mexico Highway Travel road blog.
 If you wish to be put on our mailing list for a more detailed article about Mexico Road Safety, please write editor(at)jaltembasol.com and we will ensure it is mailed to you.
 Dorothy and Bill Bell have lectured about Mexico Road and RV travel in colleges, RV Shows and private seminars throughout Western Canada and the US. They have travelled to all 31 states over a dozen times and are considered experts on road travel in this amazing country. Visit ontheroadin.com to view photos and articles about Mexico.


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