|  |  | News Around the Republic of Mexico  
Now is The Time for Unity Among All Mexicans: Calderón
Suzanne Stephens Waller - Presidencia de la República go to original August 03, 2010

| “Today, more than ever, the fight for security involves us all.” - President Felipe Calderón |  | Declaring that Mexico faces a new stage in the phenomenon of insecurity, President Felipe Calderón urged all Mexicans to make a common cause against crime, in order to deal with the problem with unity and a forward-looking vision, as a genuine state policy.
 “Today, more than ever, the fight for security involves us all. It obliges us to look beyond differences, political calculations and any temptation to avoid responsibilities and any consideration of cost.
 It demands that we face the problem with unity and a vision of the future. That's what state policy involves,” he said.
 At the Dialogue for Security. Evaluation and Reinforcement event, accompanied by representatives of non-governmental organizations and the business sector, the President listened to their concerns and proposals regarding the issue since, he said, the point is to be aware of the grave dangers facing our nation and to combine wills and efforts to cope with them.
 “I am also aware that this strategy has been questioned and that my government has been and always will be willing to review, strengthen and improve it.
 My government has always supported all the authorities, without distinctions, so that by combining efforts, they will be able to fulfill this responsibility," he said.
 Accompanied by his wife, Margarita Zavala, Secretaries of the Interior, Francisco Blake Mora, Public Security, Genero García Luna, Attorney General, Genaro García Luna, Attorney General, Arturo Chávez Chávez and Guillermo Valdés Castellanos, Director General of the Center of Investigation and National Security (CISEN), the President said that it is essential to combine skills and efforts to strengthen and improve the National Security Strategy, because if we are divided in the face of this enemy, both society and its institutions will lose.
 He added that Mexico requires a security policy that will transcend this administration and at the same time, guarantee that Mexicans will be able to live in an environment of peace, laws and justice.
 "Increasingly frequently, the facts linked to crime show that criminals challenge everyone equally, and that they have no limits or moral scruples. They are prepared to intimidate and instill fear in society and the authorities in order to force them back in the fulfillment of their duty. They also show that without unity, Mexicans are more vulnerable.
 This is a time for unity among all Mexicans in an issue that affects and involves us all,” he said.
 He said that it is essential to begin a new stage of commitment and to demand that the authorities fulfill their duty and to follow this up to achieve this.
 President Calderón therefore asked the representatives of organized civil society to be demanding with the authorities of the three levels of Government, to have a more active presence in the discussion and follow-up of security issues, to review the implementation of and advances in the commitments established in the Agreement for Security, Justice and Legality, and to formulate proposals on how to strengthen institutions, improve strategy and achieve greater commitment from all the authorities in fighting crime.
 “The aim is, on the basis of society’s impetus, to reinforce state institutions regarding security and the procurement of justice. Society must be a joint participant in the construction of a modern, effective prevention policy that will help restore the social fabric.
 The aim is also to achieve greater transparency, and accountability from the authorities in the three orders of government and at the same time, to restore civilians' trust in their authorities," he explained.
 The President said that within the framework of democratic security, civil society and the three orders of government, "We must build bridges of understanding and convergence to restore public security in the places where it has been lost."
 “I ask citizens for their support and understanding. I ask the authorities to be jointly responsible I would ask social and political leaders to exercise their Leadership so that, from a state policy, they will be able to successfully cope with this challenge.
 It is essential for us to go beyond simply dividing up functions or worse still, apportioning blame,” he said.
 President Calderón will continue with this exercise of dialogue with citizens, with experts on the issue, religious organizations, the media and various authorities.

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