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Mexico Announces 12 Measures to Simplify Procedures
Suzanne Stephens Waller - Presidencia de la República go to original August 18, 2010

| Calderón said that not only do these measures save time, money and effort for Mexican firms but they also make the Mexican productive apparatus more competitive. (Presidencia de la República) |  | Mexico City - As part of the actions to make the national economy more competitive, President Felipe Calderón announced 12 additional measures to simplify procedures at the Secretariats of the Economy, Health and Agriculture, in order to eliminate unnecessary costs regarding paperwork and regulations and facilitate access to latest generation technology in Mexico.
 “The measures we have announced today will achieve savings of 20 billion pesos for the productive sector which, together with the estimated 15 billion pesos obtained from simplifying tax payment, will enable individuals and firms to save up to $35 million pesos as a result of deregulation,” he explained.
 At the official Los Pinos residence, the President said that not only do these measures save time, money and effort for Mexican firms but they also make the Mexican productive apparatus more competitive.
 “With better business regulation, we will be able to assign less time and resources to processing paperwork, meaning that the country's businessmen and producers will be able to focus on the advantages of their productive activities.
 We want working for government not to be a nuisance but an active promoter of the growth of firms and the economy," he said.
 The measures are designed to:
 One: Facilitate the export of Mexican products to Europe and Latin America.
 Two: Speed up the submission and solution of complaints for electricity users, through the incorporation of the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) into the System for the Reconciliation of Clarifications, CONCILIANET.
 Three: Simplify the procedures for receiving and registering foreign investment in the country, through the automation of the submission of information to the National Foreign Investment Registry.
 Four: Expand services offered by the electronic portal tuempresa.gob.mx, through the incorporation of four new on-line procedures.
 Five: Equip Small and Medium Firms, by reinforcing the Normalization System. Agreements were published in the Diario Oficial de la Federación that will enable electronic goods to be commercialized in Mexico.
 Six: Automation of process to obtain Health Registration.
 Seven: Promote the commercialization of latest-generation medical equipment and devices in Mexico.
 Eight: Facilitate registration to commercialize medication. This measure will begin with over the counter medication commercialized in the United States and Canada.
 Nine: Establish a direct interconnection between the Tax Administration System and the Federal Commission for Protection from Health Risks (COFEPRIS) for the issue, in real time, of Health-Related Import Permits. This will also make it possible to identify illegally imported goods.
 Ten: Facilitate the transport of agricultural products throughout national territory. As from September 30, the issue of the Phytosanitary and Zoosanitary Certificate for National Mobilization will be automatized.
 Eleven: Automate the obtainment of registers for products for animal use and consumption. As from September 30, the need for registering various veterinary products will be eliminated.
 Twelve: Deregulate imports of meat, grain, oil seed and other agricultural products.
 "Through this new package of simplifications, we are bringing Mexico into line with international best practices.
 We are going to continue promoting changes, the changes required by the country’s economy to grow more dynamically and create more jobs so that families can live better,” he said.
 During this event, President Calderón was accompanied by Secretaries of the Economy, Bruno Ferrari García de Alba; Finance, Ernesto Cordero Arroyo; Civil Service, Salvador Vega Casillas; Health, José Ángel Córdova Villalobos, and Agriculture, Francisco Mayorga Castañeda, as well as representatives from the business sector.

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