|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay  
Hwy 200 Overpass Up, Traffic Coming Soon
Harold Sokolove - PVNN September 16, 2010

| With the bridge beams going up on September 11, progress on the overpass of Highway 200 at Nuevo Vallarta is moving quickly. |  |
While some bridges in the Banderas Bay region have come down with the rains, another is going up. The progress on the overpass of Highway 200 at Nuevo Vallarta is amazing. The bridge beams were raised on Saturday, September 11th, and workers have been doing a great job cleaning up the construction debris and putting the finishing touches on the overpass walls.
 All of the bridge beams are in place and now they're installing the wall and guard rails on the bridge portion. Flowers have already been planted between the new sidewalk and the lateral. On Tuesday, September 14, the tall, modernistic sculpture was put in place on the pedestrian island near the Farmácia Guadalajara, on the northbound side of the overpass.
 With some hustle and favorable weather, the visitors to Vallarta from the north could well be using the overpass to head home after this long holiday weekend. It's still hard to believe this highway project was only started about 7 months ago.

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