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Vallarta in Need of Re-Engineering
Eduardo García Gómez - VallartaOpina.net go to original September 30, 2010

| Mayor Salvador González with local deputies Ramón Guerrero and José Antonio de la Torre (photo by VallartaOpina.net) |  | Puerto Vallarta needs a re-engineering in order to solve its transportation, disposal, cleaning and tourism situation, focusing on adequate advertising, promotion, and more profitable markets.
 The hot topic for most of the people who participated in Monday's presentation of the tourism law project for Jalisco and its cities was led by the local deputy Ramón Guerrero Martínez and supported by members of Jalisco's State Tourist Commission.
 Included in the analysts' discussion table were a group of hoteliers, entrepreneurs, tourists, travel agents, retailers and restaurateurs, who presented their views and concerns regarding the number of problems to be solved in not only the tourist destinations, but also as a city and a municipality. Puerto Vallarta faces one of its worst times with the pothole filled streets, neglected avenues, garbage and the recent loss of the north-bound bridge over the River Ameca.
 A large part of the meeting, which lasted over two hours in the convention hall at the Marriott Hotel, was dedicated to discussing how to promote future tourism, and the need for an immediate solution to the city's problems, thus eliminating a decline in Puerto Vallarta's attractiveness.
 Attorney Miguel Ángel Rodríguez Herrera, confirmed that it is not healthy to promote a new tourism state law when, in the case of Puerto Vallarta there are major problems with street lighting, potholes and garbage in the streets and avenues.
 In turn, the former president of the hoteliers, Maria José Alcalá Zorrilla, said that those running tourism policies must be capable of making the right decisions and also acknowledge the need to be a professional, which is essential in key positions.
 Ten Points Discussed
 • Tourist Advisory Councils, which are advisory, consultancy and technical support which encompass the public, private and social venues
 • Tourism development for tourist areas and routes, better organization and structure as a result of optimum development of tourism
 • Structuring the beaten track for its operation will be an inclusive organization at three levels
 • Tourism Marketing Plan: competitiveness and the ability to create, deliver and support products
 • Tourism Competitiveness Index and Training, ensuring tourism competitiveness for Jalisco
 • Innovation and development of tourist products and tourist potential municipal studies
 • Government Coordination
 • State Tourist Information System (SITE), to standardize, analyze, interpret and publish information and official statistics of the sector
 • Tourist Atlas of Jalisco, promotion tool
 • System evaluation, verification and sanctions without duplication in the monitoring and pursuit of excellence and competitiveness in tourism services
 Translated for BanderasNews by Creative Media Consulting International

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