There Will Be No Truce for Those Wishing to See Mexico Subjected: Calderón
Suzanne Stephens Waller - Reuters go to original September 16, 2010

| President Felipe Calderón says that the greatest risk for the nation is conformism and mediocrity. (AP/Alexandre Meneghini) |  | Mexico City.- During the Ceremony to Mark the End and Beginning of the Courses at Military Centers this week, President Felipe Calderón said that although Mexico now faces enemies that wish to impose their rules, their attempts will fail.
 "Nowadays, in 2010 as in 1847, 1913, 1810 and 1910, Mexico also faces enemies that wish to impose their perverse rules, frighten Mexicans, paralyze the authorities and subject us all with their violence.
 They are enemies whose attempts will fail because, among other things, there are brave, virtuous, patriotic young people throughout the Military Education System. There are trained young people here, preparing to defend this great nation swiftly and efficiently,” he said.
 At the Colegio Militar, the president said, “There will be no truce for those wishing to see Mexico subjected in chaos and illegality. “As long as there are cadets, soldiers and Mexicans prepared to turn Mexico into a safe, law-abiding country, the nation's future will be safe.”
 Accompanied by his cabinet and representatives of the three branches of government, the president said that nowadays, the greatest risk facing the country is conformism and mediocrity, which is why he urged first-year cadets to give the best of themselves to overcome any enemy attacking our country.
 "You must honor your uniform and take care of and increase the enviable legacy you have received and give the nation a future of hope that at the end of your military career, you will have the conviction and certain that the country is better thanks to you,” he said.