Mexico Struck by Tropical Storm Georgette
Xinhua go to original September 22, 2010

| Learn about hurricane hazards and what you can do to help protect yourself, your family, and your property, Click HERE |  | Mexico City - Tropical Storm Georgette, which formed in the Pacific earlier Tuesday, struck northern Mexican state Baja California, U.S. government agency the National Hurricane Centre (NHC) said on its website.
 The storm is set to travel along the west coast of the state, which is a peninsula, then cross into the Gulf of California early Wednesday. It is then set to come onshore again in Sonora, a state on Mexico's mainland on Wednesday afternoon.
 The NHC said that rain may reach around 250 centimeters (cm) in some areas of Sonora and the state's southern neighbor Sinaloa.
 Separately, also on Tuesday, the head of Sonora's Civil Protection Department, told Mexican newspaper Reforma that he was particularly concerned with the town Empalme, home to 55,000 people, where a full reservoir means that strong rains could cause floods.