Carlos Slim Open to Energy Investments Outside Mexico
Hugh Collins - DailyFinance go to original September 29, 2010

| Carlos Slim |  | Carlos Slim, ranked by Forbes as the world's richest man, said he is open to the possibility of investing in new energy projects outside Mexico.
 Slim, 70, said that he would consider opportunities in the power sector, Reuters reported.
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"Maybe," Slim said when asked if he was planning new power investments, other than the Panama hydroelectric projects in where has an interest.
 Slim's business empire includes retailers, construction companies and Latin American telecommunication giants Telmex and America Movil. He also owns a stake in New York Times Co.
 Slim, who is worth an estimated $53.5 billion, urged delegates at a conference in Australia to focus on enjoying life rather than making money.
 "It is not (about) the money/material issue but your family, your friends, your personal life; time to appreciate the colors, the sun sets, the flowers, the weather, the places, the people," Slim said, after being asked for tips on how to get rich.