|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay  
It's All Happening Now, Fantasy Fishing Returns to PV, The Bite Is On
Stan Gabruk - PVNN October 03, 2010
 Where just a few days earlier the fishing was adequate on the full moon, things have exploded since then. With more than abundant bait available in the Fishing Grounds off the front porch of Puerto Vallarta, you will find World Class Sportfishing.
 Whenever you hear a fishing story about Puerto Vallarta, they are talking about this time of the year. If you are here in PV by accident, it's a happy one. If you are here to hunt Monster Yellowfin, good timing! If you are still sitting on your "duff," get it in gear and make the excuses to the wife after you get back!
 Hotels are cheap, air fares are cheap (especially from Canada,) and with a group of four guys, you can go out fishing for two 12 hr days, fifty miles out on a world-class boat and crew for less than five hundred dollars per person!
 Now, no whining, get up and make it happen amigo! You may never get this chance again... Oh, for the record, I take no responsibility for actions I have incited! But feel free to blame your momentary lapse of sanity on my highly motivational words, whatever! No go do it!
 This has been a hard season to call with the strange weather patterns and the formation of tropical storms and hurricanes off our coast this year. It must have looked like a weather circus out there - and trust me the year is not over as yet. Strange currents, warmer than preferred water temperatures, and a noticeable lack of some species still have us scratching our heads. But it looks like whatever is happening out there, it's helping the fishing.
 The season has been short on Dorado or Mahi Mahi, which ever you prefer... But the word is they're finally here in larger numbers and larger sizes running anywhere from 20 to 35 lbs. Nothing HUGE now, but fun and more plentiful every day.
 Punta Mita, El Morro, Marietta Islands, you'll find them. If you find a log or something favorable floating you'll have a Dorado day to remember. Mostly in the 25 lb range, they're keepers for dinner. But the numbers look like they can be dwindling, hopefully not, but always, always, always throw the females back!
 Sailfish are moving in stronger by the moment. Punta Mita, Marietta Islands, El Banco, Corbeteña, they will take a lure, live bait, your car keys with a hook, they don´t seem to care much the last few days... These guys are right on time and will be here long after the first of the New Year.
 Looking for Black Marlin? Well you won't be looking long, they will find you. The word is out on the Black, Blue and Striped Marlin that will be our resident species for the rest of the year into the first week of January. Marlin are mostly in the 350 to 700 lb range. But several have been released much smaller in the 250 lb range and some even in the larger ranges in excess of 800 lbs!
 Now these are big fish and these fish are hungry. Water temperatures are running in a perfect range of 82 to 84 degrees which only makes conditions for other species like Wahoo more favorable and some have been boated the last few days. So go for it if you have the itch!
 Last, but not least, the Yellowfin Tuna are showing up a little better than they have the last few weeks. Running from 50 to 160 lbs with many over 200 lbs being brought in the drought seems to be over and hopefully they'll just be more plentiful and larger. Again, take what you need and don't over keep. One 200 lb Yellowfin can feed an army for a week, so remember this.
 Look for water temperatures, if running warm, use down riggers. If birds are surface diving, make a bee-line to it! Remember not to run over anyone's lines, we've been having a lot of this problem with other people rushing in lately... The Yellowfin were a little slow for a few days, as mentioned earlier in the article, but they have moved to the surface and hopefully we won´t have to run down riggers again.
 With the tournament season moving into gear now, you have a chance to catch things as good as they´ll get. No special baits or tricks required, just get something shinny in front of them and that will do the job! But if you want to throw some hundred dollar Black Barts at them, then go ahead. But a six inch diamond jig or just a cedar plug (remember those) will do the trick on the cheap amigos!
 Every October, all the Captains declare they are Superman when it comes to boating Black Marlin. They are measuring their "manhood" on the docks and to impress clients into thinking he is Super Captain as well.
 But Captains who come in with Excess Dorado, Excess Rooster Fish, Excess any fish, are hurting the industry and you should remember to let the captains know what you want. If they do not do as you wish, after all you paid for the boat, then do not tip them. You just subsidized their fishing business with your catch. If they act stupid or are quick with the club, let them know what you want. And share this stuff with everyone you meet. You can even stand on the docks and let the world know of what happened. But don't be part of the problem amigos... The more fish in the bay, the better it is for all of us!
 Make plans now to attend the 55th Pez Vela Torneo, (The 55th Sailfish Tournament) sponsored by the Club de Pesca. So mark your calendars and check out their website at FishVallarta.com for all the details if you would care to participate. The dates this year are November 10, 11, 12 and 13th, so check it out.
 If you find yourself in Puerto Vallarta, make sure you visit The Village at Marina Vallarta. With 150 shops and Restaurant Row, it's the number one attraction for Puerto Vallarta. You can check out the daily catch on the docks, visit the jewelry stores or window shop for a new condo...
 What's that? You´ve never heard of the Village? Then it's time you came on down and checked it all out. If you need it, it can be found in the Village! Check out their Facebook page (The Village at Marina Vallarta) and hit the "Like" button to keep up with all the exciting changes as they happen!
 Remember, if you have any questions or suggestions you can reach me at CatchFish(at)MasterBaiters.com.mx, or visit my website: MasterBaiters.com.mx.
 Until next week, don't forget to kiss your fish!
  Stan Gabruk is the owner of Master Baiters Sportfishing and Tackle in Marina Vallarta. He came to Puerto Vallarta for a brief, three-week vacation and never left. You can find Stan at his Master Baiters Sportfishing shop in Marina Vallarta, located on the boardwalk down from the lighthouse, El Faro. For more information about fishing in Puerto Vallarta, visit MasterBaiters.com.mx or email Stan at Catchfish(at)MasterBaiters.com.mx.
 Click Here to learn more about fishing in Puerto Vallarta with Master Baiter's.

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