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Mexico to Launch 3 New Satellites
María del Carmen Martínez - The News go to original October 06, 2010

| President Felipe Calderón (2nd-R) stressed that his government is working hard to boost the telecommunications market. |  | Guadalajara – President Felipe Calderón announced that Mexico will launch three new satellites, not just for security reasons, but to bolster the country’s telecommunications industry and L-band international frequency.
 As he inaugurated the Plenipotentiary Conference 2010, Calderón defended the granting of concessions of 1.7 gigahertz and 1.9 gigahertz bands, known as Bid 21, and said that the telecommunications market had been enhanced “without privileges” to certain groups.
 According to Calderón, this move will allow Mexico to pursue its goal of the three C’s: competition, convergence and coverage. It will also facilitate including the whole population in the use of new technologies.
 In particular, he added, through the concessions of the 1.7 and 1.9 GHz bands, there is now an additional 90 megahertz on the market, expanding the spectrum by more than 60 percent.
 “We have begun to aggressively put out to tender radio-electronic frequencies. In particular, we have completed two important tenders of the 1.7 and 1.9 gigahertz spectrum,” Calderón said.
 He said that “these tenders have taken care of several lingering telecommunications issues and goals, principally perhaps–and supported by the Federal Competition Commission–strengthening the market, enhancing competition and breaking entrance barriers to create a more competitive telecommunications market in Mexico.”
 Moreover, he explained that he had initiated the process to launch three new satellites, which will be fundamental for security purposes. The launching of the new satellites will be carried out through negotiations with existing licensees in the WiMAX Band 2.5 GHz, in hopes of making use of that band as a WiMAX provider in the country and in major cities of the Republic, which await enhanced Internet access.
 As you can see, he added, the Mexican government is working hard to boost the telecommunication market, which had been stuck for a long time

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