Overseas Vote Foundation (OVF) has introduced a new global U.S. citizen outreach program to encourage and facilitate constructive discussion of civics, current events and the role of the U.S. government. The new program, Cocktail Party Civics (CPC), provides a structure and support materials to U.S. citizens at home and abroad who are interested in engaging other Americans in civil discourse in the run-up to the 2010 Congressional Election and beyond. "Cocktail Party Civics responds to U.S. citizens everywhere who are interested in the electoral process and how government functions, but are left cold by partisan bickering," said Susan Dzieduszycka-Suinat, OVF President and CEO. "We don’t want people to stop talking – on the contrary. Now there is an alternative to partisan political meetings both within the U.S. and abroad." OVF is sending a Call-to-Action to all Americans to sign-up to host or attend a CPC event – and make it a ‘politics party without the party politics.’ To illustrate the concept and support the launch, OVF has released a CPC Introductory Video. Cocktail Party Civics is made possible through the generous support of the Carnegie Corporation of New York. The program is maintained under the OVF ‘Educate.Participate.Connect.’ initiative. For more information about Cocktail Party Civics: CPC - General Description CPC - Sign-up and Event Scheduling - Meetup Everywhere CPC "How-to" Program Guide - for party organizers CPC Conversation Starter - downloadable handouts CPC on Twitter – CocktailPartyCVOverseas Vote Foundation (OVF), founded in 2005, is the first and only nonprofit, nonpartisan 501(c)(3) public charity organization dedicated to serving the voter registration needs of uniformed and overseas American citizens who wish to participate in federal elections by providing online access to innovative voter registration tools and services. For more information, click HERE or visit OverSeasVoteFoundation.org.