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Canto Del Sol Tennis Club to Host Two Big Tournaments
Bob Cohen - PVNN November 26, 2010
 Director of Tennis Martin Parra of the Canto Del Sol Tennis Club announced two tournaments will be played at the resort consecutively beginning December 10th - December 19th. The first tournament will run from the 10th through the 12th and is the "Amateur Senior Bowl Copa Pacifico". It is both a singles and doubles event and the age groups are 45 and above, 50+ 55+, 60+, 65+ and 70+.
 The scoring will not be as in traditional matches but will be one set per match with the winner the first to win eight (8) games and will also be "no advantage" games. Traditional tennis scoring if the players or teams are tied 40-40 either team would need to win by two points, however in the no advantage format the winner of a 40-40 point would win the game. To the delight of most seniors all matches will be played on the four clay courts only and the hard courts will not be used.
 Expected are many players from out of town, especially Guadalajara and Tepic, as players from the two cities frequently play in Puerto Vallarta tournaments and with the perfect weather, Parra expects a large crowd. There is a large local group that will compete and are great deal of the seasonal visitors will be here and many of their winters revolve around tennis, so the timing couldn't be better.
 There are packages for out of town competitors that include a stay at the Canto Del Sol Resort at $1,500 pesos per person that has an all-inclusive plan or just a two night hotel stay for $1,300 pesos per person. Local players will be charged $500 pesos to play and that includes both singles and doubles.
 For those that are not in Puerto Vallarta and want to play, email Martin Parra at mparraestrada(at)hotmail.com or call toll-free at 01-800-713-2800 or locally at 226-0123 ext, 4187 or 4287 to reserve a spot in the tournament. He will also explain how one can make a deposit in the hotel's bank account to secure payment.
 Inscriptions close at 6:00 PM on Tuesday, December 7th and the draw will take place at 6:00 PM on Thursday, December 9th. One can go to the website www.atj.com.mx to see the draw. Play then begins on December 10th.
 On the social side there will be a dinner at the tennis club on Friday and lunch and dinner on Saturday and Sunday will be a hosted cocktail and trophies will be handed out to all winners and finalists. Assisting Parra will be Leopoldo Torres and Leopoldo Martinez.
 After the Senior Bowl concludes the best professional tennis players in Mexico will come to Puerto Vallarta to play in the 5th Annual Copa Pacifico, the previous four also have been held at the Canto Del Sol with spectacular competition and play.
 The total prize purse will be $100,000 pesos and besides the Acapulco Open, that is the largest purse that Mexican professionals play for. Play will begin on December 12th and conclude on December 19th and the field will have 32 players. Parra expects at least 8 of the top 10 ranked Mexican tennis professionals to compete. Play will strictly be on the hard court surface, so amateurs will have full use of the clay courts during that week.
 Be sure to register for the Senior Bowl if one falls in the age range and get a partner for doubles for a weekend of fun and competition and then tennis fans can watch the best of Mexico compete in the Copa Pacifico as soon as the amateurs conclude. For any information, please call any of the phone numbers above or email Martin Parra at mparraestrada(at)hotmail.com.

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