|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay  
3rd Annual Los Muertos Pier Fishing Tournament
Phil Kerr - PVNN November 02, 2010
 November 5th is the final registration day for The Third Annual Los Muertos Pier Fishing Tournament, so if you are into great sport fishing but don't have a lot of money to enter the professional tournaments in and around Banderas Bay - don't delay - sign up today!
 The entry fee for this one-of-a-kind fishing tournament is only $100 USD per boat of 4 anglers, which can be paid at the following Puerto Vallarta businesses:
 • Deportes Rizo • Electronica Limac • Restaurant Las 3 Huastecas (El Querreque) • Pasteleria Celebration
 All participants must register at 5 pm on November 5th at the Hotel San Marino on Rodolfo Gomez, where more information, tournament logistics and event souvenirs will be distributed. Any type of boat can enter the competition.
 Prizes Prizes will be awarded in the Marlin, Sailfish, Dorado, Tuna and Open Water (heaviest fish of any kind) categories.
 Dorado 1st place - 50% of entry fee 2nd place - Cash 3rd place - Fishing Tackle 4th place - Dinner for 4
 November 6th is tournament day. You will enjoy 8 hours of fabulous fishing, along with great prizes, food, fun and a party on Playa Los Muertos, where all the fish caught during the tournament will be cooked on the beach for your enjoyment.
 Several restaurants and local companies will set up event stands all along Fca. Rodriguez (the street that leads to Los Muertos Pier,) so there will be no parking on the street for this day of fishing, fun and friendship. Come and join us!
 For more information in Spanish, visit FishingTournamentPlayaLosMuertos.com. For information in English, contact Phil Kerr at fishingwithphil(at)gmail.com or (322) 223-0499.

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