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“What’s In a Name?” Vertical Social Networks
Guillermo Ramón Adames y Suari - PVNN November 02, 2010

| A Vertical Social Network consists of a list of goals, needs, interests that when grouped, builds up the social network itself. |  | Nobody would dare challenge W. Shakespeare’s phrase when Juliet was trying to justify her love for Romeo. It was independent of his last name. Nobody would dare challenge publicity’s phrase for a growing market: Vertical Social Network. What do you “eat” that with?
 This is a new term that came out in Spain (Catalonia) in which their areas of action are somehow concentrated around a certain topic. In a previous article, I defined another classification of social networks: “Social networks with a goal” or “Social networks with a theme”. Vertical Social Networks is an extended version of the previous versions that I went into. A Vertical Social Network consists of a list of goals, needs, interests that when grouped, builds up the social network itself. So in a certain extent, a vertical social network is a grouping of “various social networks”, each with a separate goal, that get together in a “vertical” context. Wow.
 It seems clear that the future (in computer terms future is at most a year) what will come up is all sorts of social networks in various flavors and colors as Steve Jobs has described the tendency. New names, new approaches or in other words, something new to sell… until… until a new computer approach comes up.
 What seems to come up is that with time, we will have more and more “companies” which “know” how to handle social networks. They are “experts”. Specifically I do not want to cite which companies but for God’s sake, how long have we had social networks? How long have we had social networks “with a theme”? How long have we had social networks “with a goal”? Two, three months? Fortunately these are minor things. I would not like to run into a brain doctor who is an expert after two months with whom I would desperately need brain surgery. As the way in which our society is structured, obviously some others have run into these kinds of brain doctors with the obvious results: today’s society.
 So: where does all that bring us to? First the absolute lack of control of whatever in the web. Anybody can use any term(s) any definition and any concept(s). There is no regulation but either some common sense in the part of the user OR reading computer reviews. These reviews in the past were simple descriptions. Today they are handy tools like this description, to let users that are not very much familiar either with terms or with the web, which (web) wholes to avoid.
 Guillermo Ramón Adames y Suari is a former electoral officer of the United Nations Organization. Contact him at gui.voting(at)gmail.com.

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