|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay  
ExPats in Vallarta December Events
Sara Wise - ExpatsInVallarta.com December 03, 2010

| Sara and Tish, your hostesses |  | ExPats in Vallarta has announced their December schedule of gatherings. A Pizza Night will be held on Tuesday, December 7th at Café Roma in Old Town along the river. Wine and Appetizer evenings are planned for December 3rd and 17th in private homes. A Happy Hour will be on December 21st at Langostinos, on Los Muertos Beach.
 Seating is limited and reservations are necessary for all these evenings. For directions and more information, or to make reservations, please visit ExpatsInVallarta.com.
 The smaller special Interest groups and ExPats Younger Generation and ExPats Singles groups continue to grow and expand. More information can also be obtained from their website.
 Expats in Vallarta is a totally social group with informal fellowship and assistance for Expat residents or visitors living, working or investing around Vallarta or considering it. There is no membership fee or requirement; pay only for what you consume or use. It is a great way to meet new friends and get out and enjoy Puerto Vallarta.
 For further information, check out the ExPats in Vallarta website, which is set up to provide information about the group and facilitate communication between members.

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