|  |  | News Around the Republic of Mexico  
Río Bravo-Donna Border Bridge for a More Efficient, Safer Border
Suzanne Stephens Waller - Presidencia de la República go to original December 15, 2010

| (Presidencia de la República) |  | Río Bravo, Tamaulipas - “Ten years went by before there was a Border Crossing,” explained President Felipe Calderón, “but three have been built this year,” he said: Anzaldúas Bridge in Reynosa, the Río Bravo Border Crossing in Sonora and now the Río Bravo-Donna Border Bridge.
 During the launching of the Río Bravo-Donna Bridge, in the municipality of Río Bravo, Tamaulipas, the President explained that over seven thousand jobs have been estimated in property and industrial development, together with a billion pesos in investment. “We will gain far more in jobs and economic growth than what we have invested in infrastructure.”
 He explained that his government is working hard to “provide opportunities for development and create conditions that will make it possible to exploit the potential of this great state,” (Tamaulipas).
 The Río Bravo-Donna Border Bridge represents, “The mutual commitment and cooperation between the U.S. and Mexican governments to have a more efficient, safer border.”
 Over 300 million pesos have been invested in the construction of the bridge, together with another 100 million pesos in infrastructure works and highway access, particularly to the Reynosa-Matamoros freeway.

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