|  |  | News Around the Republic of Mexico  
Ferrari Warns on Price of Tortillas
Adrián Jiménez - The News go to original December 15, 2010

| (The News) |  | All tortillerías that abruptly increase the price of tortillas will be fined up to 2 million pesos, the Secretariat of Economy (SE) warned early this week.
 At a press conference, Bruno Ferrari, the Secretary of the Economy, said that the secretariat is analyzing the possibility of increasing the fine after the National Union of Mills and Tortilla Industrialists announced that the price of tortillas would increase to 12 pesos per kilogram.
 Ferrari noted that tortillas have only increased in their cost by a few centavos over this year, and the average national price is 9.88 pesos per kilogram.
 “Between January 1 and December 10, the price of tortillas increased by 6.85 percent in supermarkets and 1.54 percent in tortillerías,” Ferrari said.
 Ferrari said that the price of tortillas, as any other product, depends on supply and demand, and that the increase in the cost of raw materials “do not justify the large increase in the cost of tortillas.”
 The Federal Competition Commission will investigate the possible increase, as “no one can put at stake such an important industry, which is so tied to Mexicans and their finances, without having discussed it with the government.”
 Antonio Morales de la Peña, the head of the Federal Consumer Protection Agency (Profeco), said that in Mexico City and the State of Mexico the price of a kilogram of tortilla was between 8 and 9.50 pesos. However, the Profeco will implement monitoring operations to prevent abuse against consumers.

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