|  |  | Vallarta Living  
R.I.S.E. and Shine Gourmet Champagne Brunch at a Featured Home
Sue Fornoff - PVNN December 01, 2010

| Tickets for the December 18th R.I.S.E. and Shine Champagne Brunch can be purchased at Daiquiri Dick's, or by contacting Josue at josue(at)foodbyseth.com or Chris Amo at keithamo(at)msn.com. |  | Supporters of Refugio Infantil Santa Esperanza (R.I.S.E.) are excited to announce the first of this season's magnificent champagne brunches aimed at raising funds necessary to support this special shelter for children in Puerto Vallarta.
 R.I.S.E. and Shine #1 will be held on Saturday, December 18th at the incredible My Casa Alegre in historic Old Town, and will feature exquisite gourmet brunch selections prepared by Seth Cloutman, and live entertainment including a performance by some of the children from R.I.S.E.
 Advance purchase of tickets is required for limited seatings at 10:30 am and 12:30 pm. Tickets will be available at $350 pesos each beginning on December 3rd at Daiquiri Dick's, or by contacting Josue at josue(at)foodbyseth.com or Chris Amo at keithamo(at)msn.com.
 Don't miss out on this special opportunity to help the children at R.I.S.E., enjoy a fabulous meal, and see My Casa Alegre.
 For more information about R.I.S.E. please contact Sol at the Refugio at (322) 222-7857 or by email at elsoldevallarta(at)hotmail.com.

The Refugio Infantil Santa Esperanza is a non-profit shelter for babies and children under the age of 14. Some of these children are orphans but most come from unbearable situations having been abused, neglected, or simply abandoned. R.I.S.E. is a Mexican non-profit charitable organization, which accepts donations through a number of charitable organizations. More information about tax deductible donations can be found at their website: Refugio-Infantil.org. |

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