Here in Puerto Vallarta, people say we only have 2 seasons, rain and dust. Orchids, and most plants, have four different growing seasons. Knowing what these seasons are, and how to care for your plants during each of these seasons, will be the subject of a talk delivered at the Vallarta Botanical Gardens on Saturday, January 29, starting at 1 pm.
There is no charge to attend this talk, but the Botanical Gardens requests a small donation for entrance to the grounds.
Based on his article in the January, 2011 edition of Orchids, the official publication of the American Orchid Society, T. J. Hartung will discuss everything from the best times to water and fertilize to your orchids, to the best times to repot them. Knowing and responding to the proper time to do these tasks will keep your orchids healthy, happy, and continue to provide you with those beautiful flowers that brighten up your home.
The Vallarta Botanical Gardens has a large collection of orchids and other plants from the area. Also, you’ll find a restaurant, a swimming hole in the river, shade houses where young plants get their start, and a number of trails through the jungle areas. The gardens are located 24 Km south of town, just 3 Km past Chico’s Paradise. The bus to El Tuito will stop at the entrance to the Gardens, and will return you to town.
For more information on the Vallarta Botanical Gardens, click HERE or visit
For more information about the Vallarta Orchid Society, send an email to pvorchids(at), or visit the Vallarta Orchid Society website,